You're right - there's _lots_ of grey area here, and some people's ethics are different from mine (and mine are probably different from yours, at least at the boundaries. _Most_ people agree on basic human rights, they just all define them differently sometimes...)
While I agree we need new laws, I also recognise that laws by necessity change slower than fashions, so there's always a period (often a long period) where laws trail behind what's going on in society. It's during those periods where approaches like "it is good to have as many software developers as possible steering away from unethical work." might help.
While I agree we need new laws, I also recognise that laws by necessity change slower than fashions, so there's always a period (often a long period) where laws trail behind what's going on in society. It's during those periods where approaches like "it is good to have as many software developers as possible steering away from unethical work." might help.