Maybe not, but please don't post unsubstantive comments to Hacker News.
Edit: looks like you've been doing this a lot, and it's really not what the site is for. Would you mind reading and using HN as intended? The idea is: if you have a substantive point to make, make it thoughtfully; if you don't, please don't comment until you do.
That seems like a rather bold statement without much reasoning behind it. What in particular makes you think that web components are "never happening"?
Easy: web components have not implemented a single part of the original promise [1].
It's not Web Components that are happening, it's the dozens of frameworks required to make them work that are happening.
Even mixpanel's library "does so by providing an easy-to-use state management and rendering layer built on Virtual DOM (the basis of the core rendering technology of React). Through use of the Snabbdom Virtual DOM library and first-class support for multiple templating formats" [2]
Web Components are a very low-level extremely limited crummy DOM-based API that no one in their right mind wants to use. They are not happening.
Out of the 4 major browsers, 2 major browser vendors have support for the base stuff, 1 has it behind a flag being tested ready to be turned on, and 1 doesn't have any support yet...
It's unflagged in firefox nightlies. Edge needs to get with the picture but really they are the only one out at this point. The polyfils, while not ideal, work great and shouldn't be needed much longer. The mobile story here is actually quite strong, since all major mobile platforms have full support for it.
That's ridiculous. One counter point: Ionic is going to ship web components to many thousands of app store and web apps shortly. A lot of people won't even know they are there, since they look and feel like any other framework component (if they are using Angular, for example). It's happening whether you realize it or not.