> I'd rather use languages and techniques I'm used to
This makes you sound incredibly unmotivated and lazy. FYI.
Running a scripting language VM is massive overhead on little devices like these. Consider that the Arduino, last I checked, has 16k of code space, and most microcontrollers are in the same range. The Python VM itself is already measured in megabytes. You're going to have to take several steps up the ladder in terms of hardware.
This makes you sound incredibly unmotivated and lazy. FYI.
Running a scripting language VM is massive overhead on little devices like these. Consider that the Arduino, last I checked, has 16k of code space, and most microcontrollers are in the same range. The Python VM itself is already measured in megabytes. You're going to have to take several steps up the ladder in terms of hardware.
For further information: http://wiki.python.org/moin/EmbeddedPython