The above link shows more than just half - 2/3 gun deaths in US are suicide - approx 20,000 out of 30,000 Fairly horrifying but does impact the whole gun control debate IMO.
I myself would rather focus the discussion on why people want to kill themselves in the first place and not divulge into a convo about whether not mommy government should or should not allow us to have guns.
Putting an important decision such as ending ones life behind a single point-and-click action is really bad UX. There should at least be a number of "Are you sure?" prompts and two factor authentication as a bare minimum.
I agree with proper confirmation and 2FA requirements. But the really bad UX is that it's OPT-OUT instead of OPT-IN. If you're going to force users into your system and insist on opt-out then you should at least have the decency to make the opt-out process as convenient and painless as possible.
Better mental health care will likely require what you call "mommy government" as well.
So I guess we will just have to deal with school shootings and suicides because certain americans have to stand by political ideals while the nation burns down around them, empiricism be damned.
I should be more nuanced in my wording around US hot button topics.
I was merely surprised that the proportion was so large and (that as a UK observer of this debate,) surprised I had not seen it before.
Keeping to the topic, I enjoyed Bourdains books and shows and am sorry to see him go. I hope the discussion here and elsewhere will focus on helping others in similar straits and not get diverted by comments ... such as mine.
It does not. And controlling guns tightly doesn’t mean you magically save 20,000 people from suicide. Give it a rest before we’re dancing with downvotes.