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Javascript will be the Next Big Language (terminally-incoherent.com)
12 points by edw519 on April 23, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

Who cares what the "next big language" is? Learn a language you and your coworkers like, use it, get good at it, improve it, etc. That's much more productive than switching languages every week because some blog told you to.

He makes a good argument but I'm curious as to what everyone else thinks - I just don't see JS as powerful enough.

Well, powerful enough in what sense? If you are talking about power in the pg sense (http://www.paulgraham.com/power.html), then JS is indeed very powerful - properly written it can be very succinct and expressive and and has had many great features for a long time. With ES4 (due out later this year I think) the language should really come into its own.

Where JS isn't powerful is things related to where and how it runs - performance in the browser is not great and the API is practically the HTML DOM and a few other objects.

I think the author's strongest point is that when it comes out, ES4 will need some type of branding/marketing campaign - perhaps a new name, then getting all browser vendors to use the same name (ie, no more confusion around JavaScript 1.6, 1.7, JScript 5 etc). Perhaps even go further and asking all vendors empasize the commonality - Javascript can become ES4Web, ActionScript ES4Flash, Rhino ES4Java etc. My names suck but you get the point.

"With ES4 (due out later this year I think) the language should really come into its own."

In general, I kinda feel like ES4 is a step in the wrong direction. It takes a very concise, but powerful, language, and makes it far more complex without really adding any additional functionality.

But I agree with you about where and why JavaScript is weak. The browser is a pretty horrible environment from a language power standpoint (it's a sandbox that historically had zero access to the world except through the DOM, which is pretty awful). If JavaScript was commonly used on the desktop in standalone form, like Perl/Python/Ruby/Lua, it would hold up just fine to comparison. Prototypal inheritance is cool. It's got closures. Syntax is mostly very simple and clean (and the only real terrors are the Java-isms that a few idiots rudely shoved into the language). It has first class functions. I can't think of anything that I really feel is lacking in the language--it's occasionally more verbose than I'd like, due mainly to the DOM and the way the DOM is used, but the good libraries out there (jQuery, ExtJS, Dojo, etc.) are pretty much all the evidence I need that the language is really extensible and really powerful, and they make almost all of the uncomfortable verbosity disappear.

Javascript is a great language, and it will never replace ruby, python, java, or any other languages mentioned.

Let's get right to the core of the problem: prototypical based inheritance is worse than class based inheritance. It's nothing like what all other languages are using, it's a pain to use and it's less powerful. That's the only language feature that is wildly inconsistent from other popular languages.

Rhino's been around for long enough that if javascript was going to be the next big language, it should be used by lots of smart hackers as a scripting language. And yet, they keep turning to Ruby and Python and concurrent functional languages. Maybe with the next version of js (which is will support classes and some other nice features), javascript will become big. Until then, I'm not holding my breath.

> it's less powerful

Actually, in some ways, JS-style prototype-based inheritance is more powerful. You can emulate class-based inheritance, but you can also use a variety of other models, such as adding in only a single specified method from another class or adding in capabilities on a per-object basis instead of per-class.

Yes it's different, and maybe it's a pain to use -- especially if what you want is for it to be language x (for some value of x) -- but I don't understand how you can justify the claim that it's less powerful.

Classes vs. prototypes is just static vs. dynamic inheritance. You'll generally have the same arguments as those between static and dynamic typing. They're both "powerful" in their own right: static code tends to be faster to run, dynamic code tends to be faster to write. Depends on which you value more in a given circumstance.

"Let's get right to the core of the problem: prototypical based inheritance is worse than class based inheritance."

Can you defend this?

When I use it, it always feels like you are forcing OO on something that would rather stay functional. I would agree it seems artifical, but then maybe its just familiarity.

In my experience, JavaScript has tremendously powerful capabilities both in terms of OO and in terms of FP, and if you can get comfortable with it, you can mix the idioms seamlessly. Using something like the Prototype library helps -- it adds power for metaprogramming as well as for more practical things like DOM and event manipulation.

Once you figure out OO idioms you like using, the main limitations are random annoyances like the lack of a clean idiom for linked lists and the fact that the JS spec doesn't require tail call optimization, so some functional idioms are going to be dog-slow.

I use Scala a bit - and it is OO/functional hybrid - it really steers you in the functional direction. I personally find it hard to reconcile OO with functional though (as in side effect free functional). I guess my personal (probably incorrect) experience with OO is all about mutability and state machines, whereas that is totally at odds with the rest of scala. So I end up not knowing what to do with the OO bit. I do like OO though, but I just can't seem to get it to fit together in my mind.

> Let's get right to the core of the problem: prototypical based inheritance is worse than class based inheritance. It's nothing like what all other languages are using, it's a pain to use and it's less powerful. That's the only language feature that is wildly inconsistent from other popular languages.

Fortunately, it's easy to build a real object system on top of Javascript's "default":


Perl is the same way. The default object system is garbage, but when you put Moose on it, it's the best of any language. (CLOS is a very close second, but it needs roles/traits!)

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