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> Would you like to respond to my points

No. Please take your points to https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=17105121.

> in order to push your own agenda?

My agenda is to stay at least vaguely on-topic.

> Why is it that your account only 67 days old yet >75% of your comments are about China? Do you even comment on normal Hacker News topics that aren't related to politics?

Because you didn't look past two days of comments? Most of my comments over the past two days have been in this article and the other about Xinjiang, which are both about China. But you're right, I have an interest in it.

Anyway, this thread with you is clearly off-topic, so I'm going to stop it. If have further questions for me, you can study my other comments or figure out a way to privately message me.


> Also I find it quite telling that Lionsion still refuses to respond to any of my points.

Ok, I'll bite. Here's my response:

You need to go outside and take a walk, because your "points" have been off topic, literally paranoid, and bizarrely personal. You're accusing me of being an "agent provocateur" and either a Chinese or Russian troll. That's crazy talk and utter nonsense.

Ignoring you isn't "telling," it's frustration and a lack of better options.

The truth is I'm a guy who was frustrated by a thread yesterday that was totally ruined by people who derailed it, perhaps like the 50 Cent Party would. Just to make it super clear: I don't think it was disrupted by the actual 50 Cent Party, but by people who maybe should consider learning to not act like it.

Edit: I apologize to everyone who reads this thread (or the dead comments below). In situations like this, the correct action is to ignore someone like my interlocutor, but that's difficult when he makes personal attacks. I should have held firm despite them.


> What sort of bizarre hedging is saying that people are just acting "perhaps like" paid Chinese trolls?

You need to re-read my comment, especially the sentence after the one you partially quoted. What I was getting at was that someone who inadvertently behaves like a propagandist should re-evaluate their behavior and modify it, because it's destructive (if it wasn't destructive, why would the propagandist do it?). For instance, someone pushing hyper-partisan memes on Facebook should stop because Russians agents literally do that same thing as a disruption tactic.

> but I am not exaggerating when I say that I think putting these things on the record is important for everyone.

I have nothing to hide: https://web.archive.org/web/20180518222349/https://news.ycom...

Anyway, you are not acting like a stable, sensible person. You're getting too worked up. Please, take a break. Do something relaxing or fun. This is not a productive derail that anyone else would benefit from.

We've banned this account for repeatedly breaking the site guidelines. Nationalistic flamewar and personal attacks are not allowed here. Please don't create accounts to do this with.


In case anyone is wondering: no, this is not because of your views. I don't know what they are and it doesn't matter, just as a fireman doesn't care what color a fire is.

> You need to re-read my comment, especially the sentence after the one you partially quoted.

You're not fooling anyone when you say that you're not accusing people of being propagandists, but rather that they're just "perhaps like" them.

> Anyway, you are not acting like a stable, sensible person. You're getting too worked up.

Says the guy whose two month old account has 75% of its comments about one topic, but nice try. I also wonder if you are subconsciously channeling some tactics from the past:


EDIT: And of course, recalling Cato, I will end by nothing that you still have not responded to anything I've said but rather have devolved to calling people who disagree with you crazy. Gee, it's almost like you're just trying to divide people instead of actually trying to have a good faith discussion.

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