I have; it can be tough especially if the client is a demanding one. For me it was more like 10-15 hrs/week, but sometimes it'd easily be 30 hours if things were broken or some new deliverable came up. Luckily my wife had her own thing going on with her Ph.D at the time so she was super supportive and understanding... it also helped that the work covered half the cost of a new car we needed part way through the project.
I wish I could say I found them remotely, but alas these were literally friend-of-a-friend type deals.
More details: One of them was a bakery that was taking all its orders on paper, so I developed a simple but powerful system for them to track their orders in a database, and other was a small investment shop(read: a pair of people managing a millionaire's money) who were looking for a way to track trades and get on with the important stuff rather than waste two hours a day updating an Excel spreadsheet. My biggest problem I haven't been able to leverage these jobs into continuous passive income.