Older versions let you simulate the circuit in real time without going to a separate view. It wasn't that the performance was a problem or anything. In fact, I had to write extra code to create the separation. Rather, I found that the actions of pausing, resetting, and stepping through the simulation didn't feel quite as clean when you could modify the circuit at the same time. I might bring back real-time simulation if I can find a way to do it that feels more natural.
What I did was just have separate run, step, and reset buttons next to the design canvas. Is that what you did before? What made it feel unnatural or unclean?
Yes, the simulation controls were part of a toolbar near the design canvas. I had some trouble coming up with a combination of good answers to these questions:
1. How do you set an initial state when controls are also interactive? This is probably easier to do now that I have a floating property editor window. At the time, all interactions with components were direct.
2. If something is interactive, like a switch, what's the best way to handle dragging it with the mouse? Previously, the "wall plate" of the switch was the only draggable part, but it didn't seem like the best choice for usability. Also, it limits the visual design because draggable areas must be large enough to be discovered. I've considered having an extra draggable handle appear when a component is selected, but I'm not sure if that's ideal.
Forcing a separation between a design perspective and the simulation made the answers obvious. However, now that you've made me explain my reasons, I can see that it might be possible to go back to the old way without sacrificing too much.