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I love and use acme too. I hate when I hit some tool that still emits color ansi escapes even with TERM=dumb (phabricator arcanist, I'm looking at you).

Do you know if there is a simple wrapper that swallows ansi escapes but yet preserves the illusion the output is a tty (so that the wrapped command doesn't freak out?)

EDIT: I'm having some success with `unbuffer -p arc diff | perl -pe 's/\e\[?.*?[\@-~]//g'` (part of `expect`) but interactive prompts are not flushing the line correctly in acme's win

I managed to silence arc by aliasing my arc command to be = `arc --no-ansi COMMAND`

See http://no-color.org for more.

I'm happily not using arc for work anymore.

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