I would like to see a full-fledged docker installer something to the effect of the discourse installer that I can put on something like digital ocean or my own machine, handles https in an opinionated way (let's encrypt), and integrates with popular email services like sendgrid or mailgun (with generous free tiers).
Check out projects like Traefik (https://github.com/containous/traefik) as well. Traefik is a reverse proxy that can automatically configure routes based on labels on your docker containers, and automatically setup Let's Encrypt certs for your subdomains.
E.g. I add a label to my Gitea container to say "Serve this from git.mydomain.com", and Traefik will start redirecting requests and automatically configure a Let's Encrypt cert.
Basically you have all of your containers join the Docker network that your Traefik container is running on. Each container needs to expose a port (but not bind to the parent). The Traefik container will bind to port 80 on the parent. That guide should explain everything.
Let me know if you have any other questions or get stuck, I'd be happy to try and help!
I have made a tool with which I can easily deploy and backup/restore dockerized web apps. Configuring and deploying gitea (or any other service I integrated so far) only takes a couple of minutes. Services are run behind an nginx reverse proxy container and Let’s Encrypt certificates are automatically issued if you choose so during config. The only requirement is docker.
I have been using it for about a year and recently put it on github, because I found it useful enough to share.
Maybe not exactly what you are looking for, since I am not familiar with the discourse installer, but maybe interesting for someone? I’m happy about some feedback, since I never actively shared this until now.
I find the discourse intall approach to be outdated, to say the least. It reminds me of myself tinkering with docker for the first time. Just provide me a docker image and deployment examples for compose and kubernetes.