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This is something I've had to consider a lot in the design of EnvKey[1] (a config/secrets manager). I agree that refusing root access on your own machine seems like it's going too far in most cases, but where's the line?

For example, EnvKey makes it easy to only give a developer access to development/staging config so that if someone only needs to deal with code and not servers, they'll never see production-level config.

Could that get in the way sometimes? Sure. If for whatever reason someone who's normally a pure dev needs to step into ops for a bit, they'll have to ask for upgraded permissions to do so, which could certainly be seen as annoying, and could make someone feel less trusted than he or she would like to be. On the other hand, giving production secrets to every dev undeniably increases the surface area for all kinds of attacks, and I think that even small startups would be well-served by moving on from this as soon as they can.

I think the key distinction to make is between real security and security theater. As a developer, I'm willing to give up a little trust and a little efficiency if the argument for why I'm doing it seems valid, but if I'm being asked to jump through extra hoops without any clear benefit attached, I'll probably resent it. So for me, the most relevant question to ask the OP (or a company that wants to implement this) is what's the threat model? What exact attack scenarios is this protecting against? Are those realistic enough to justify the extra hoops?

1 - https://www.envkey.com

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