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Jenkins X runs in containers on kubernetes and all the builds are done in containers. You can use whatever pod template (collection of docker images) in your CI/CD pipeline: http://jenkins-x.io/architecture/pod-templates/

Yes we can support things like parallel steps & tests spinning up separate clusters, namespaces or environments (we do this ourselves to test Jenkins X).

We delegate to an OSS tool called Skaffold to actually build docker containers that gives us the flexibility to use different approaches for docker image creation (e.g. kaniko or Google Container Builder or use the local docker daemon etc) https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/skaffold

Using Kubernetes as an engine for orchestrating containers works very well - thats kinda what Kubernetes was designed for. Though you are free to extend & integrate tools like ActiveMQ into Kuberenetes if you think it'll help your use cases.

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