I'm far more impressed by Raspberry Pi Zero W than by the original or even the latest Raspberry Pi. I'm using one as a streaming server for a security camera, and also a web server, and its working beyond my expectations.
Can you give me a brief walk through on how you accomplished this, or a resource you used to guide you? I have been interested in doing streaming security camera for a while but haven't seen a setup i like.
Me too, thanks for that set of links. Any links on connecting it up to Google's Cloud AI stuff to train it to recognize the crack-heads when they are peeking in the windows of peoples cars and rattling the doors of their tool sheds?
Agreed, I built a group of waterproof outdoor cameras with the Pi Zero W, that thing is a true gem.
One is bolted to a utility pole outdoors, 200+ft away from the nearest WiFi access point through several walls. It's not a high link speed, but it works with nothing but that little triangle PCB trace cutout for the antenna.
There's a medium-sized market for processor modules like this, as they're plenty good enough for quite a few applications.
For example if you need a big PCB, cheaper to make a big 2- or 4-layer PCB and put a module on it than to make your entire PCB 10 layers so you can break out a tiny BGA.