David, I think the Clojurescript Quick Start guide (https://clojurescript.org/guides/quick-start) is a wasted opportunity. I don't think new users want to wade through a page full of compiler flags when Leiningen + template is the default for most of the Clojure(script) community. This merely adds to the impression that Clojure(script) is for experts.
New users (and experts as well) do not find Leinginen and templates easy to use. The response to the Quick Start has been overwhelmingly positive from new and experienced users.
I personally love the work that you've done in this area recently. I do have the feeling that users are still exposed to quite a bit of plumbing, as they might be used to <command> <declared intention> style commands from elsewhere ("npm install nodemon" or what-have-you).
We don't really compete with PureScript, BuckleScript, ReasonML or even Elm and this is heavily reflected in our surveys. The only real competition at this point is Scala/Scala.js or full stack JavaScript.