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someone mentioned further down the thread that it is a willys which by looking at it I would agree but I am not 100% sure without psychically looking at it and it's plates. I guess that is the beauty of these machines in certain ways they have not changed much. It is somewhere in the era of 40's or 50's, as you mentioned. One thing to bare in mind about these machines is that they are designed for a specific purpose and that purpose is not that great for a standard civilian vehicle. The military jeeps where all dowel and pin fastened which allowed them to be broken down and repaired rapidly but it was at the sacrifice of high speed. With items like the leafs dowel and pinned they rattled like an SOB at any thing over 40mph which results in a pretty wild ride.

The suspension in modern jeeps is far more complex in order to give a smoother ride -- the jeep in the video has leaf springs on front and back. Modern jeeps typically don't have leafs in the front.

A lot of modern off road suspensions are a 3 or 4 link suspension set up. They can be dowel and pinned as well, and can be broken down faster than a leaf sprung vehicle, but again you suffer from the fact that they is play in the suspension components, that is not there with a bolt fastened suspension.

The point is, that while it is a great engineering feat to build such simplicity, there is also some huge sacrifices that you make to achieve such simplicity. Safety and high speed performance being the top two.

The JEEP is a great machine and I recommend them to anyone who wants to get into off-road motor sports, they are probably the best beginners vehicle one can buy. As they can grow with someone as they get deeper into the hobby.

As well there is no other off-road vehicle available that has the aftermarket availability of products that JEEP does. I say that as an owner of a 68 Bronco. The JEEP is a well respected vehicle for motor-sports hobbyist. It is one that they got right from the beginning. The original Bronco and the International Scout are great choices as well.

100% sure it's a CJ-5.

The little dip above the rear wheel and the spacing between the filler and the rear wheel arch make it an 81" wheelbase version.

It could have been an M38A1 as well, but that one has a front window in two parts, and it does not have a tailgate.

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