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Yes, this all stems from realizing the only reason i want to "get rich" is basically so i can live the life described. I want to do only the things that i want to do all the time. And the things that i want to do are extremely simple. But i am willing to give up some time to do other things. Yes, I would consider trading and selling involuntary activities.

The only voluntary activities are reading, writing, thinking, and communicating. I guess eating, sex, and shitting can all go in the voluntary slot, too.

Another angle is to try living this ideal life for a month or so. It might be difficult to pretend, because you can't 100% relax into it, but it might alert you to things you need you hadn't realized (eg. social); or, contrariness, give you a boost of motivation to do whatever it takes to secure it (eg work to save a little more money; research etc.)

It's just that idea of starting small, as a way to get started and get more information, more confidence (from having some progress), and get the blood flowing through acting on your vision.

BTW: lutsp is in the thread, who's actually done this (see his link to his shack.)

If you've figured out a way to make eating and shitting voluntary, you should just write about that. The sales will be enough to ensure you never have to work again.

I had to +1 your comment, made me 'ROFL'

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