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Show HN: Endel – sound environments to help you focus
12 points by zrkzrk on April 9, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments
Hey, Hackernews! We are working on a technology to help you focus. Endel generates personalized sound environments to help you focus faster, stay in the zone for longer periods of time and relax better. It's an evolved procedural version of everyone's favorite Music for Programming podcast.

We are currently going through Techstars Music program in LA and we need your help. We have created a web prototype of Endel that works in the browser. Can you please test it during one of your deep work sessions and provide feedback? There's also an iOS version available by request.

Please visit https://work.endel.io and see if it's working for you!

FWIW, the website just seems to load https://work.endel.io/8_stream.mp3 via an IceCast server. Huh.

And if your preferred media player doesn't like MP3s directly you can also use https://work.endel.io/8_stream.m3u.

I've personally found good success with just wget (and mplayer).


Hmm. The sound is a little glitchy. There's one definite spot in the bit I've recorded where it's very obvious it just switched tracks.

Hi, this is right, this is what we mean by "web proto". This web demo is indeed very limited. Basically, it's a 24h mp3 recording with time zone support.

Currnently proper adaptive procedurally generated experience is available in our iOS beta (pleaae submit a request on the website and we will be back with a TestFlight invite shortly). Thanks for testing it out!

I'm clearly missing something: I don't understand why I schedule a session instead of just starting one. Do I need to be a user of the Music for Programming podcast to understand this?

After taking a 5 second look:

My guess is that the calendar invite includes a link to the site. I've known people who will block out periods of time for "Deep Work" sessions on their calendar. Could just be a convenient way of helping people schedule those and drive them back to the app. You def. don't need to use this feature.

you are exactly right: scheduling a calendar invite just reminds you not to forget to play Endel during your scheduled deep work session

But that doesn't explain why you can't just start a session.

why can't you just start a session? Click "Play" and Endel will start playing

lol, totally didn't realize either that the play button wasn't just there for show.

I'm a user and a fan. I like to use it to sleep more than anything.

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