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Just spent a lot of time today tweaking ubuntu 10.04 to work with intel wireless :/ Also the proprietary ATI graphics drivers the OS recommended I installed caused all sorts of problems with sleep\hibernate\freezing. Not really a linux problem as the default non-proprietary drivers I switched back to actually work great, but the OS did literally give me an icon reminder telling me to do what caused the problem. Also the battery on my laptop lasts half as long as it does in win7\cygwin.... so more tweaking ahead...

edit: on the plus side I love Gnome DO.... I can't believe I found something better than win7 start autocomplete or OSX Spotlight...

Gnome Do is a little treasure that needs as much exposure as it can get. It completely changes one's interaction with the OS. No more hunting around for apps in the menus. No more using the menus. Reduced use of the mouse.

Gnome Do is an all round boost to productivity.

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