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First of all, I owned four of the top line Windows Phones as the hardware progressed and have been an MS oriented dev/arch throughout my career.

I switched back to an iPhone when MS started playing with the email and calendar apps, making them horribly less useful. Around January of 2015. The 6 plus had just come out.

WP hardware was excellent until 2014 when it was clear MS had abandoned the platform. They fell behind quickly at that point.

I knew the Midwest MS evangelist and went to a couple of dev sessions on WP and the philosophy was to pump any garbage or duplicate app into the App Store. I argued they should spend money on the top 100 business apps and just make them better than iOS or Android. MS was never going to beat Apple at cheap games.

Buying Nokia looked good on the outside but it was clearly a disaster.

$6 billion could have enabled a ton of devs to build a ton of apps.

I was sad to see it go, but in the end, my iPhone never really gets in my way. I can email, message, call, and surf the web plus have a few other handy apps that just work.

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