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I think you are confusing Windows Phone and ancient Windows Mobile.

In fairness, despite Windows Mobile being positively ancient, the constant reboot of Windows' mobile OS, even once it was called Windows Phone, was a contributing factor: customer confusion, developer confusion, variability of upgrade paths, and just market fatigue.

No, unfortunately, Windows Phone 7.1 and 8.0 had very limited support for C/C++ libraries (native code). The support that it did have was based off old compilers (maybe it was the only thing they had at the time for ARM processors?). I believe 7.0 had no support for this.

7.x (public) SDK had no support for C/C++ whatsoever, you needed special access and a private SDK to use it. Windows Phone 8.0 allowed C++ 11

VS2012 (I guess this was the compiler, maybe it has been upgraded after) had a quite limited support of C++ 11.

Only starting with VS2015 (and then maybe even update 2 IIRC) we had what we can call C++ 11 (for the purpose of not having to port code for it, or such port to be easy, so missing 1 or 2 language and library features can be OK, but missing half of them: less so).

Hmm, ok. There may have also been a C/C++ difference somewhere in there. We ended up being able to compile our journey planer code for Windows Phone after quite a few hours of rewriting stuff and wading through compiler errors. (incidentally, at a Microsoft hackathon, hosted at a former/historic prison complex)

I think towards the end, Windows Phone was rebranded back to Windows Mobile again. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_10_Mobile

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