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Worth noting that the previous devs even started over with a psuedo-fork of Sails called Trails: https://github.com/trailsjs/trails

Nope, none of the Sails core team are affiliated with that.

> Worth noting that the previous devs even started over with a psuedo-fork of Sails called Trails: https://github.com/trailsjs/trails

Correct. A core Sails team member (Travis Webb) left Sails and started a new project to try and fix the issues they saw with the project.

> Nope, none of the Sails core team are affiliated with that.

It's true that no one currently on the Sails core team is affiliated with Trails (as far as I'm aware), but that's not what was being claimed.

That sounds like an endorsement, based on my experiences.

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