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Gigantic sticky header and footer and a huge font size? You can barely fit a single paragraph on the page, this is probably one of the worst website designs that I've ever seen.

You might like this extension [0] for Firefox and Chrome that removes the sticky header and footer from Medium sites.

[0]: https://github.com/thebaer/MMRA

Also goes away if you log into Medium.. but your suggestion is better if you don't want to set up a login!

Thanks to using reader mode in Safari by default... I had no idea what you were talking about. I find few sites delivering any value worth turning it off.

Also, most of their code example are screenshots and thus the code can't be copy/pasted.

A quick and dirty hack for this in Chrome:

- Right-click > Inspect on the menu bar

- Move over the DOM nodes until the header is highlighted correctly

- Hit backspace

- Use delete if you were overzealous in your deleting

It's probably in order to maintain an optimal character count (https://baymard.com/blog/line-length-readability) without the paragraph being too small.

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