> Shure SE530s keeps everyone out of my head [snip]
When I gave up headphones, I realized how much noise I subscribed to. I found it's not the keeping everyone out of your head inasmuch as it is the general quiet with the occasional person and it feels more disarming than expected noise (something piped through buds).
In a couple short months without headphones compared to years with, I prefer the quiet with interruption to constant stimulation.
Have you tried noise-cancelling headphones? I use the Sennheiser PXC-350's whenever I am not working at home, you can get the benefits of reduced ambient noise without having any music on (though I mostly do). It's NOT complete sound-proofing, but much nicer than hearing everything that is happening around you.
+1 for the noise-cancelling headphones. The killer-feauture for me, however, is on airplanes. They will filter out most of the ambient noise, but more interestingly, they allow you to listen to music/movies/whatever without cranking the volume to 11, which in itself is excruciating.
If you fly just somewhat frequently, get a set of PXC-350s. (or something similar, but I haven't found anything else in the same or lower price range with decent reviews).
When I gave up headphones, I realized how much noise I subscribed to. I found it's not the keeping everyone out of your head inasmuch as it is the general quiet with the occasional person and it feels more disarming than expected noise (something piped through buds).
In a couple short months without headphones compared to years with, I prefer the quiet with interruption to constant stimulation.