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There was a bug with the styling, that should be fixed now.

Nope, still the same, can't see any mindmap or any button to click to create one.

However, I can now see some blue text up above and to the right of the menu items, which when clicked takes me to mailchimp for email. That text is unreadable for me, though, not enough contrast with the black background it's on.

I don't know what I'm supposed to see, but I assume there's supposed to be a mindmap graphic somewhere. This is what I see on both Firefox and Chrome on my system: https://screenshots.firefox.com/REX701nPf7jUrYbw/tobloef.com

I think that might be a problem with the caching. I'll look into forcing a cache refresh.

Okay, seems to be working now. And mailchimp link is visible in 'subscribe to newsletter' over by github and twitter icons.

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