If your laptop doesn't connect to anything, it has no idea where you are.
If your phone doesn't connect to anything and enable location services (GPS is costly in terms of battery though), it has no idea where you are. Of course, your phone -is- connected to the cell network most of the time, and so theoretically it could calculate where you are to within a mile or so, but that, 1. Takes battery, and 2. Isn't that accurate. So there's a good chance it wouldn't bother.
If your phone doesn't connect to anything and enable location services (GPS is costly in terms of battery though), it has no idea where you are. Of course, your phone -is- connected to the cell network most of the time, and so theoretically it could calculate where you are to within a mile or so, but that, 1. Takes battery, and 2. Isn't that accurate. So there's a good chance it wouldn't bother.