I started using Froyo earlier this year by loading it on my Droid. (I really wanted the chrome to phone!) It took about 30 minutes to do, mostly by reading guides ahead of time then giving it a whirl. No problem at all.
Functionality overall improved. Verizon releases a version that requires additional cash for a few simple things (like tethering) that using 2.2 allowed stock.
Some android apps developed problems updating. The cause was some apps were not appearing as valid/runnable for 2.2 in the market.
Wait, verizon's 2.2 for the droid requires additional cash in order to tether? I ask because I'm a droid owner using verizon's 2.2 on my droid. I see the tethering option available, but I haven't tried to use it yet, so I don't know if it requires extra cash.
Functionality overall improved. Verizon releases a version that requires additional cash for a few simple things (like tethering) that using 2.2 allowed stock.
Some android apps developed problems updating. The cause was some apps were not appearing as valid/runnable for 2.2 in the market.