Can anybody who lives in the valley speak to whether people really hate Zuckerberg enough over there to the point where this seems like a rational thing to do? I live out in Mass and while the 'scandal' has definitely been front page news, for a company to do this (especially with a well-known entrepreneur) would be decidedly odd.
I live in the valley, have several friends at Facebook, etc. I don't know anybody who hates Zuckerberg. I don't hate him. But I am very upset with Facebook-the-company and Facebook-the-system. What bothers me most is that, to the best that I can tell, Facebook-the-company and especially Facebook-the-system just _do not care_ about me or you as individuals.
Talking about Facebook on Twitter seems to be the height of irony...
(I hate Twitter, although if you ask me to substantiate why, I would probably come up with the oft-repeated talking points of echo chamber, Russian bots, rage mobs, etc, etc.)
If we were to compare reasons why we dislike Twitter, I expect that we'd have a lot to agree on. I tried to leave Twitter too, but found that I couldn't because I still get too much value from Twitter. I still hope that someday the winds will shift to a system that brings me the joy I got from Twitter between 2008 and 2016.
LOL... that comment is hilarious because it touches one key truth about Vietnamese culture...
When you ask a Vietnamese person if they can do something, they ALWAYS say they can, even if they have no clue what it is. Especially Vietnamese men. We have this weird need to always pretend like we know everything.
It's similar to the TV sitcom stereotype of how all men think they can fix a leaking pipe, even if they have no clue how to do it.
First it used to be excitement, then "love to hate" with increased utility but ads, but then your parents and other family started joining and it became a chore and "meh".
The dilution of your newsfeed and privacy issues highlighted meant you got more for your money from Instagram/Snapchat/Whatsapp and you got better responses from tweeting your issues with @company. Most folks I knew at this point either claimed they didn't use FB regularly (ie, they probably still did but maybe only by habit) or just for FB messenger.
All the while the slow drip drip of privacy issues eroded trust.
So we're at the point where if you haven't dropped, the utility can be elsewhere and there's no love lost if you drop FB. FB is in Uber-territory here, some don't mind - but you no longer get weird looks when you tell someone you shut down your FB account. In fact, it's often a good conversation starter.
Elon and SpaceX have enough existing 'juice' or brand cachet or whatever to get away with a move like this and maybe even get a PR boost from it. My local Girl Scouts chapter, Jeep club, etc... not so much. They're married to Facebook as infrastructure.
I don't have the privileged information to know if it is true, but this feels more like a gut reaction then a cost benefit analysis action. Musk is known to be pretty polarized in his tech ethics opinions.
Cambridge Analytica isn't the first incidence where Facebook was used for political purposes. Obama Campaign Manager Jim Messina explains their use of it in 2013: