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Agreed, some days I only do 4-6 so when I do days like this I feel like it balances out. Maybe I should start doing my own time sheets though. Working from home its really hard to tell. As for contract I am salary like most engineers.

I use a little app called toggl to track my time. Works pretty well.

Check out RescueTime

If I'm not careful, I work too much. An extra hour and a half every day quickly adds up.

I wrote a tiny Python script that adds an entry to an SQLite database, with aliases 'in' and 'out', which tells me how many hours I've worked each week.

It will make it easier to remember to leave at 15:30 today.

I assume you're familiar with that product?

Am I reading this correctly: You're running an agent on your various devices that sends data to their cloud? Application names at minimum, I assume. Website addresses as far as I can tell. If they harvest window titles: Probably file names you open.

Are you comfortable with that?

I don't use it, but it doesn't seem significantly riskier than using cloud-based email or any other proprietary desktop software.

Interesting and verbose. I was thinking of starting with a google sheet though...

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