I'd love to get off both Twitter and Facebook, but that network effect...
I went and had a look at Vero, but it doesn't allow posting text, only associated with an image, movie, link or book. I checked how Diaspora was going, but the most popular pods have 2K users, and there are no pods in NZ or even Australia.
I guess I should get off my chuff and set up a New Zealand pod, but life is full enough already without taking that on.
ah the network effect. Same reason im still on fb. Diaspora is brilliant but I feel its never going to capture the imagination of the general public.
Maybe we should all go back to blogging. - if only, sigh
I get more and more depressed browsing my fb newsfeed (which I mostly do when I am taking a shit and run out of things to read)
I went and had a look at Vero, but it doesn't allow posting text, only associated with an image, movie, link or book. I checked how Diaspora was going, but the most popular pods have 2K users, and there are no pods in NZ or even Australia.
I guess I should get off my chuff and set up a New Zealand pod, but life is full enough already without taking that on.
Maybe we should all go back to blogging.