I apologize for not wording my opinion well, but how am I wrong here? Did you read the article 'In Praise of ADHD'? Its saying it may not be a 'disorder'.
Quote from article:
The educational psychologist Bonnie Cramond, for example, tested a group of children in Louisiana who had been determined to have A.D.H.D. and found that an astonishingly high number — 32 percent — did well enough to qualify for an elite creative scholars program in the Louisiana schools.
> The educational psychologist Bonnie Cramond, for example, tested a group of children in Louisiana who had been determined to have A.D.H.D. and found that an astonishingly high number — 32 percent — did well enough to qualify for an elite creative scholars program in the Louisiana schools.
I did extremely well in tests but was bad with homework.
Here's the problem: many ADHDers have high iq and can easily pass tests but might have huge problems coping with the boredoom of ordinary days.
It's an incorrect opinion. Please do a little bit of research