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If evolution is such a obvious theory as to be taken as fact, then why are there no species obviously evolving into another?

According to the theory, millions of years ago Chimps evolved into humans. Why then are there no chimps in a stage of evolving that would signify a progression to a different species? They've had millions of years to do so...

Probably this is just a troll, since these answers are so well known, so I'm not going to bother looking up citations.

1. There are many examples of speciation that are documented in the time we've been watching rigorously.

2. If you think that the theory of evolution says that chimps evolved into humans, than you have no understanding of evolution.

How do you know there aren't any?

Surely if they did, they'd be widely referenced and be irrefutable?

My point is, evolution is a theory, which cannot be proved even by its most hardened supporters. There is more gray here than you would seem to admit.

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