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I appreciate the effort you put into writing your response. You make a very solid case and I wouldn't attempt to talk you out of using SSTs over JWTs given the level of consideration you've put into it.

I would nonetheless offer the following points if you'll excuse the rambling:

- I concede that the following probably exposes a lack of knowledge on my part. I think most, myself included, don't have a 100% lucid understanding of how session cookies are managed throughout the stack. It feels like there is some degree of idiosyncrasy and magic at every level, e.g. client -> reverse proxy -> application backend (-> potentially DB) while JWT feels much more lucid and consistent in this regard. It seems desirable and simpler to want to transparently pass through all the "smart" layers that have explicit knowledge of and opinions about session cookies.

- JWTs come off less "magical" than session cookies and I find them just as easy, if not easier to reason about in certain situations, e.g. in an app rather than in a browser - I'm aware that cookies are mere headers, but I still find that slightly more annoying to manage than JWTs - although I concede that perhaps this is merely due to the availability of libraries that make it so, while also not being too "magical" and hiding key parts of the flow (whereas various platforms e.g. ASP.NET, PHP do weird magical things with session cookies).

But, you know, your post is making me have second thoughts about my position here, and I may yet be won over after thinking about this some more. I think this is often an underrated and unnoticed point - that there is some a priori magicalness about session state, while JWT is simply presented less magically, and so one may be attracted to the initial lucidity of JWTs vs. having to learn session state (because "why haven't I learned how automatic session management works after using it for all these years? It's probably very hard"). And I'm beginning to realize choosing JWTs for this reason may be specious.

- I find, in practice, that a JWT workflow's blacklists are still a lighter level of statefulness than having to propagate user sessions. As you rightly state, this comes in the form of eventualness, and it is indeed a security tradeoff. Here, perhaps my imagination (or experience) is lacking, but I estimate that it would in practice be difficult using SST for 1. To have a token theft; 2. To detect said token theft; 3. To implement security measures; in less than the time of JWT revocation.

- I obviously find that JWTs make more sense than session cookies in RESTish APIs, in which the desired workflow is modeled after HTTP and does not require a session on the backend (so the statelessness is not just for scaling). It's certainly a good thing to have a standard for passing a verifiable proof of authentication inline with every request.

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