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Gravitational (YS S15) | Systems Engineer | Toronto | ONSITE https://gravitational.com

Gravitational, an early stage systems & cloud startup in San Francisco and Toronto, is looking for ambitious and talented people. We are well-funded by fantastic Silicon Valley investors. We are an experienced team: we founded Mailgun[1] which was acquired by Rackspace, we created Vulcand[2] and some other cool stuff at Rackspace and are authors of Teleport[3], Telekube[4] and Teleconsole[5]

  * Systems Engineer (Linux, Kubernetes, Go, Make)
Locations: Toronto Details: https://github.com/gravitational/careers/blob/master/senior-....

Contact: jobs@gravitational.com

[1] https://www.mailgun.com

[2] https://github.com/vulcand/vulcand

[3] https://github.com/gravitational/teleport

[4] https://gravitational.com/telekube

[5] https://www.teleconsole.com/

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