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Do you legit think that people are all just doing this as a fad?

There's legitimate arguments for looking at these patterns, the big one being "isolation of concerns". The biggest counterargument is that the ops cost is much higher than assumed, of course.

The idea that the existing code base could have problems shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Amazon almost fell over because of their code base. Twitter too. And its not even not doing it right, but simply that scales change. Or patterns change.

And in new companies, it _could_ be that people don't get it.

"Microservices as mass delusion" discounts a lot of people who are really thinking hard about how to handle the pros and the cons of things.

> Do you legit think that people are all just doing this as a fad?

Yes. That's been my experience.

> The idea that the existing code base could have problems shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Amazon almost fell over because of their code base. Twitter too.

Most organisations aren't Amazon. Most organisations aren't Twitter. And even these web-scale organisations aren't as all-in as the microservice advocates. (I worked at last.fm for a time and while we did many things that could be classed as "microservices" from a certain perspective, we didn't blindly "microservice all the things")

> "Microservices as mass delusion" discounts a lot of people who are really thinking hard about how to handle the pros and the cons of things.

Most fads start from a core of sensible design. The web really did revolutionise commerce, but many "x, but on the web" companies of the late '90s really were dumb.

> Do you legit think that people are all just doing this as a fad?

As you say there are a lot of pros and cons to any architecture or paradigm, which is why we're still talking about it and saying things like "right tool for the job" and not just using the One True Method(TM).

I legit think that a lot of people using the new hotness as a form of cargo cult programming with no understanding of the methods they're considering or how they apply to the problems they're trying to solve.

It's not just microservices that are improperly applied. I've been in the industry long enough to see dozens of languages, technologies, paradigms, processes, and everything else hailed as the second coming of christ and applied inappropriately all over the place until the shinyness wore off.

And I mean... When we start talking about developing for Amazon scale, we're already talking about situations that don't apply to 99% of developers. Not a great argument that their cases aren't inappropriate applications of the pattern.

The ops cost of not using microservices is a lot higher than you'd think, too. At some point, when you have hundreds of engineers and your monolith is compiled together from libraries written by a dozen different teams and you have to try and make one heroic release per week, except half the time it fails and you have to go back and fix it, and absolutely no one in the company can ship a new feature because you're blocked.

You don't need microservices to fix that, you need CI and maybe some release processes for your libraries.

There will come a point where you can't scale a monolith, sure, but that point is thousands rather than hundreds of engineers.

Also, there is a nice place between microservices and a monolith

I'm gonna just be honest here and say that I don't really know the difference between "microservices" and "service-oriented architecture" except for the notion that "microservices" implies breaking up your services before they get too big and hairy, which kind of seems obvious.

If some companies go completely nuts and deploy 5 microservices per developer, then yes, that is madness. If all of those microservices are REST/JSON microservices, that's madness squared because you're wasting half your time in serialization/deserialization. If you're managing all of this stuff with Kubernetes because it's trendy rather than because it's actually necessary for your use case, then you're probably making a bad call.

But ultimately, services give development teams ownership over features in a complete, end-to-end way that is fundamentally impossible with monoliths once you're past a certain size.

> I'm gonna just be honest here and say that I don't really know the difference between "microservices" and "service-oriented architecture" except for the notion that "microservices" implies breaking up your services before they get too big and hairy, which kind of seems obvious.

The impression I get - and this could be totally wrong - is that the difference is how the services relate to each other.

In this post's example, 5 of the 6 microservices look like something that would be exposed to the user in some way. I would call this a microservice architecture; they're networked together in a way where no one thing orchestrates the others. They likely all touch the same data storage, but the overall structure is mostly flat.

In a service-oriented architecture, there'd be a tree-like or graph-like hierarchy. To an end user, it would look monolithic, but the monolith would, behind the scenes, delegate to the "user-facing" services such as Upload and Download. Upload and Download would then use the Transcode service as appropriate. But the important part is that this would all be one way: Transcode isn't allowed to contact Upload or Download, just return the result to whatever called it.

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