If you only work for the company for less than a year, as the author proudly admits to, then you should not expect to be given substantial influence in the company.
Explain VPs and midlevel execs that come in and are given substantial influence on day 1. They've not worked at the company, yet are given staff, budgets, division and respoonsibility, sometimes (often?) before it's known if a) they're really competent and b) a good corporate fit.
Seeing that sort of stuff happen can lead people like the OP to despair even more of being able to make any substantive impact.
Explain VPs and midlevel execs that come in and are given substantial influence on day 1. They've not worked at the company, yet are given staff, budgets, division and respoonsibility, sometimes (often?) before it's known if a) they're really competent and b) a good corporate fit.
Seeing that sort of stuff happen can lead people like the OP to despair even more of being able to make any substantive impact.