If you are doing this style exactly without git flow, you don't gain a whole lot. It is great if you are working with a team then it forces everyone to work the same way and is very clear what you do in each situation. One of my favorite features of git-flow is housekeeping, for features when you close them it merges to develop and destroys the branch, when you do a hotfix it merges to master and develop and destroys the branch. When you release it creates a tag with whatever version you specify, and you can work on that until you are happy with the state of release, then when you push tags you will have a nice snapshot of your last deploy.
Would a single member of the team (the release manager) be doing it all though, and the rest of the team would only be pushing to the development branch? The release manager would maybe pull for hotfixes, but it would always be the release manager doing the work (or his proxy).
tl;dr: good for teams, and housekeeping