> Even the most troubling part of Google’s proposal – that wireless networks
> would be excluded for the time being – is not much different from
> what the FCC suggested.
That doesn't make it right. I'm sure P2P voice providers like Skype are very upset about this agreement. And customers should be, too. If my 3G/4G provider selectively blocks my voice calls they should state it very clearly on the marketing material. Something like "X GB per month for everything but voice, peer-to-peer, and any other service that competes with our own services." Of course they will never say that because they don't want the public to be aware they are being deceived.
Even for the rest of the corporations the wireless situation is very bad. They won't be able to have inexpensive communications over IP if it goes through wireless, like conference calls. They'll be forced to use oligopolistic and overpriced services for something already paid for.
This isn't bad just for end users and I think Torrentfreak missed the point. This proposal initiates a terrible false dichotomy of wired vs. wireless. It helps current use of peer-to-peer (the bait) crippling wireless (the real deal in the very near future.) Google doesn't care, or even worse, is against P2P services (private or commercial) because their core business is at odds with it. In som ways Google CEO want it to be the new IBM, the new central mainframe.
[Don't get me wrong, I love the technical people behind Google including its founders, but their higher management is out of control, and IMHO, "evil".]
How can it initiate that dichotomy when it's the basically the same as a) the FCC proposal and b) reality as we've lived it for the last few years?
TorrentFreak aren't saying it's great, they're saying it sucks just as much as the status quo, so piling onto Google is stupid because you're attacking the one person pushing for progress in one area because they aren't making progress in a more difficult area, double that stupid if you're acting like Google is dismantling something that doesn't exist, rather than just not fighting to have it created.
Perhaps I shouldn't have used "initiate." But the proposal by Google/Verizon states a position while the FCC document "seek[s] comment." It's new that Google, a content provider, answers that question jointly with the 2nd largest telecom. And both companies are partners in the mobile business.
Even for the rest of the corporations the wireless situation is very bad. They won't be able to have inexpensive communications over IP if it goes through wireless, like conference calls. They'll be forced to use oligopolistic and overpriced services for something already paid for.
This isn't bad just for end users and I think Torrentfreak missed the point. This proposal initiates a terrible false dichotomy of wired vs. wireless. It helps current use of peer-to-peer (the bait) crippling wireless (the real deal in the very near future.) Google doesn't care, or even worse, is against P2P services (private or commercial) because their core business is at odds with it. In som ways Google CEO want it to be the new IBM, the new central mainframe.
[Don't get me wrong, I love the technical people behind Google including its founders, but their higher management is out of control, and IMHO, "evil".]