If you're concerned about the future of voice assistant technology, I'd encourage you to contribute to Free voice assistant projects like Jasper or Mycroft. With enough support, locally-hosted Free voice assistants could be a credible alternative to cloud-based proprietary products.
Lots of related projects could also use your help. You don't need to be an AI genius - every FOSS project can benefit from help with debugging, cleaning up code and writing documentation. Mozilla Open Voice just want you to read a few sentences to help build their training corpus.
It's unfortunate that there aren't any high quality projects for the other way around - text to speech.
By high quality I mean something as good as Tacotron 2 [1]. However, I have no illusions of Google ever releasing code or trained models.
Someone will likely re-implement it from the paper, but it's unlikely to be anywhere near as good as those samples, due to worse tuning and lack of a good training set[2].
This effect can be seen if you compare Baidu's samples [3] for Deep Voice 3 with those from an implementation by a third party [4].
[2]: Common voice, for example, will not work well, since you want lots of data from a single speaker for good results. See for example, how samples get progressively worse when increasing the number of speakers in training data[3].
Tacotron 2 was trained on 24 hours of single-speaker transcribed audio, which is comparable to the freely-available LJ Speech Dataset. We know that it's feasible to train using unaligned transcribed speech, which broadens the opportunities to reuse an existing corpus. (Aside: does anyone know the legal status of training a DL model on copyrighted content?) Tacotron 2 was trained on a 32 GPU cluster, which is large but not absurdly so; we are seeing drastic performance increases in low-precision compute, which should hopefully start to trickle down as Volta reaches the market.
Expertise is a bigger challenge at this stage, although that is progressively changing. A huge number of developers are taking a serious interest in deep learning, so hopefully we'll start to see more active contributors to DL FOSS projects. The teams at DeepMind and Baidu Research are clearly highly skilled but relatively small, which suggests that their efforts could be replicated by a small but determined team of FOSS developers.
It's not just about the amount of data, though. The speech and audio quality of Google's TTS data is likely better than the audio contained in the LJ dataset (disclaimer: I've only listened to samples contained in the latter, which have some audible reverberation). Ideally, you'd use a professionally trained speaker and record them in a (semi-)anechoic chamber.
The whole point of my Echo is to play music and set timers and pre-heat my car in the morning and such. There’s no avenue for any consumer anything unless you allow it by using the device to shop. I don’t entirely understand why people are surprised that using an Amazon device to shop on Amazon might result in biases toward what Amazon sees as beneficial. Buying stuff with a voice assistant is antithetical to the sort of comparison shopping you need to do to have a hope of retaining some agency in what you decide to buy.
Cortana or Siri exist without obvious nefarious purpose. Alex and Google are clearly trying to push advertising. I know which I would prefer to set timers and play music for me.
It’s a massive failure of the tech industry that the vast majority of the world doesn’t even realize this, and therefore places very little, if any, price premium on the “does not snoop on you” feature.
That's exactly why Amazon sold you an echo. To buy stuff from them. Warming up the car and playing music are just little features to get you to put it into your home--they are not the main features. Please don't tell me this isn't obvious in 2018.
I got a amazon firestick recently. Installed Netguard on it (free android firewall) and pevented a few installed apps from phoning home. My firestick then refused to work. I left some of the apps disabled and my device is stuck in bootloop.
Now imagine the data they're collecting from their suite of amazon devices, where you can't control the data-mining.
It's not necessarily "to buy stuff from Amazon" I thought the direction was more meta than that - isn't it "to monitor the activities of people like you so that those activities can be influenced by people who pay for the data and/or analysis".
That could be look at what $politicalPartyAffiliates in your area consider important enough to change allegiance, so that a party that's marginal can present themselves as good for $socialGrouping in order to sway the vote. It's not necessarily just about purchasing.
It also allows analysis of other aspects of life, like, say, people who search for drug paraphenalia -- or a step further away, music that's associated [by someone] with people who take drugs -- which festivals are they going to this Summer ...
What determines “the main features”? The ones I listed certainly are the main ones for me. I’m sure Amazon wants me to use the ones that make them more money, but if I don’t....
Well, call it a good bet - I haven't ever bought anything with my Echo Dot, but the chances that I will, having it sitting there turning on the lights etc., are greater than if it wasn't sitting there.
You've still given away commercially useful information though that Amazon can trade - for example, the companies you're using for your lights and any other automation hardware. If that's associated with your Amazon account then companies can track you through the payment details and use that to target you with advertising in that podcast you paid for, or in the advert in your coffee company email you get when they wish you Happy New Year, or whatever.
That targetted selling may have no direct effect through the Echo itself, but the potential is there to increase the influence on you in other channels.
There may be other info, we have 3 kids who use our FireTV: I'd imagine they can estimate the child's age & sex and give targetted advertising in emails/web pages to companies selling toys for those ages. Based on the apps (whatever they call them, skills?), they can probably target that much better.
Yes, because it will likely evolve in ways not optimized for you, vs supporting a product that caters to your use case. Many products co-evolve with users, as the product modifies daily workflows. If you are not the target user, the product can evolve based on requirements that are adversarial to you.
>Cortana or Siri exist without obvious nefarious purpose. //
It's not nefarious, but what happens if you ask a question like "open a website where I can buy music" or "find me a powerful new computer", or whatever. Is there no bias in Cortana/Siri towards MS/Apple? How about if you ask "is Siri or Cortana a better voice assistant?" ...
Alexa: "Your car does not seem to want to start this morning. Would you like me to order you an Uber [instead of a Lyft] and e-mail you brochures for the newest Plymouths?"
The fact that you interact with it each morning is more powerful than any print, broadcast, or web ad Amazon can buy. They're gotten into your brain. Even if you never see the device (which is now a visual billboard in your home), when you think about it, you're thinking about Amazon. You've already been commoditized and you don't even realize it.
I really don't see the problems. It looks to me that people have an emotional dislike of these devices, and then try to rationalize arguments against them.
For example, by far the most common argument against these devices is that they could be spying on you by listening to your conversations 24/7. This is true, they could be. However, it's also true of cell phones, which 99% of the complainers have had near them 24/7 for the past 10 or 20 years. If you think the Echo is a terrible device because it could spy on you but you keep a cell phone in your pocket all day, you're trying to justify a negative emotional response to the Echo, not rationally analyzing the situation.
The comment I replied to above, by reaperducer, attempts to argue that the Echo is implicitly commoditizing me every day because I interact with it. This may be true, but does that also mean I'm being commoditized by Whirlpool and Moen and Philips and Tesla and Trader Joe's? If yes, then what does that even mean, and how am I meant to avoid it?
You then jump in with a vague hypothetical about a future update making the device start trying to sell me socks. I'm pretty sure Amazon isn't going to start putting ads in with my music or weather reports. If they do, I'll stop using the device. It only cost me $30. I've spent far more on devices that now sit on a shelf unused. That's just the nature of consumer electronics.
If you want to convince me that these devices are inherently bad or have massive inherent problems, it's really simple. All you have to do is tell me what problem they cause me that could be eliminated by getting rid of the device. So far, everyone who's attempted to do this has either stated a problem that wouldn't be eliminated (e.g. the spying potential or the daily interaction getting the brand into my brain) or a problem I don't suffer (e.g. getting ads).
Pure evil? Really? I think you are being a little hyperbolic.
I have an Echo and it is helping Amazon get better at selling me stuff. When I try to list the probable or even possible harms from this, I can't come up with a lot.
Compare that to something like driving my car. 100 people every day are killed in their car. Even so, I still drive because the expected utility of getting to point B is much greater than the expected harm from doing so.
the echo is pure evil -- in the same way the 1984 Telescreen is evil. It exists to control, manipulate and spy on you. If you dont see this, I am truly sorry my friend, but it is too late.
Being locked in a room for your entire life sure is safer then driving a car so that can't be bad for you right? I think ops point is it's dangerous to your mind and lively hood as well as society as a whole - not to your physical body like your car example.
But the potential harm from driving is very clear. The worst case scenario hits more than 30,000 people every year in the US. Smart people can calculate a dollar cost to that damage.
What's the worst case scenario from having an Echo? How many people does it affect each year? What's the dollar cost of that damage?
I personally am not a fan of these types of devices, but I am also not as doom and gloom about them as GP.
IMO, it isn't an imminent threat. It's not going to kill you. It's not going to cause you any physical harm. It's the slow erosion of privacy which is a detriment to everyone.
I'm going to avoid the cliche Orwellian arguments and the normalizing surveillance arguments. Both of these have been addressed ad nauseaum. I'm going to go a different route and see if it resonates with you at all.
It is incredibly easy for humans to be manipulated. This only gets easier as we have treasure troves of data about individuals. Amazon has many of the smartest people in the world working to manipulate you to do things in their best interest. Sometimes their interests lineup with your best interests and things are great. Other times, their interests will be negative to your life.
It is in their best interest for you to not be content with what you have. It probably is your best interest to be content with what you have. It's not wrong to want things, but things will never fulfill you.
I'm not saying capitalism is evil, Amazon is bad, or that we aren't living in one of the best times in human history. I am saying that putting a marketing device (which is also a privacy concern) in my home is not something I am interested in. Especially when I can do the 90% with my phone in 5 thumb presses.
All of that I can agree with. However, what gets left out of the equation is that the devices do provide some utility. All I'm really saying is that calling it pure evil is as silly as saying the device has no downsides.
I like the driving analogy because even though the worst case scenario is about as bad as it gets, it's not all that likely. I think people, even here, have a hard time separating possibility and probability.
A connected speaker has real and immediate benefits for some people. People that use it to buy stuff (I do all the time) aren't going to see ads for associated products like website shoppers do. Frankly, if the Echo scares you, https://amazon.com should scare you even more. I bet they collect a lot more data in a 10 minute browsing session than they do with months of Echo use.
This is somewhat correct but misleading. It's always listening for the "wake word" -- alexa or echo -- and then it processes your request. But it's not sending all conversations up to amazon. Just your alexa requests.
I feel like statements like this miss the point. Most of us are fully aware of this. But that doesn't change that the device is deciding when to send audio or not... something they can change at any time, presumably even without telling customers.
Do you have Google Play Services on your LineageOS device? It's amazing what Google can push via that these days. ;)
As a note, for non-rooted users, it's common for Android vendors to push mandatory updates. Both my last Android phone and tablet before I left the platform were pending 'mandatory' updates where I had to kill a process after booting to prevent them from executing.
Anecdotal but I have had an echo dot for only about 2 weeks and already it has "woken" when nobody was talking to it. It's very disconcerting, as you don't realize that it's listening as it parses some conversation that was never meant for it and then suddenly interjects with some non-sequitur.
Once was when an actual person was speaking and another time was when the TV show 'The Sopranos' was playing in the room. In the latter case, I rewound the show several times and it triggered on the same phrase multiple times (and the character was not saying anything that sounded like Alexa, at least to me)
Oh don't worry those of us who don't have an Echo will get on a special watchlist. You'll give up your freedom soon enough if you can't get child custody or keep getting turned down at job interviews.
I agree, the correct defense for this (and many other things) is to not buy it.
It should however come with a severe warning about what it is doing in a way that my mother would understand. Otherwise she would just see it as a nice thing to tell her what to do.
It should at least tell you that your voice input is being sent to amazon for processing, that's not immediately obvious and many would probably assume it's only required for certain functions.
I agree in instances where ads pollute public spaces, but nobody is forcing you to use Echo or watch TV. If you don't like ads you have a personal choice to do something about it, no government involvment is necessary IMHO.
I can promise you that in a world where goverment forces you to use Amazon Echo I will join forces with OP and fight for "government guaranteed" ad-free Echo experience.
Also I will very strongly demand that government does something about those damn flying pigs.
Yes but my personal choice is limited because the government refuses to step in. Right now I can choose between an Echo which tries to sell me and my kids Colgate toothpaste or not having an Echo at all. With government action I could choose between an Echo (without ads) or not having an Echo at all. In this way government has actually created better options for me to exercise my personal choice on.
That's not exactly how I would phrase it but basically.
I mean you would agree that a bunch of people could organize a boycott of Echo with ads and eventually Amazon would stop selling it and sell Echo without ads and that would be fine right? So why don't we just do that? It's because we lack a coordination mechanism, the incentive of individual boycotters is to cheat. Luckily humans have developed a great coordination mechanism called 'democracy' and we can use it when coordination in the market place has failed.
Or someone can make another audio-controlled device that doesn't sell ads and that can be a separate company. I don't see why you would immediately go towards having the government step in and regulate whether Amazon can make the Echo prefer their own products quite yet. It's still a new device and there are some other competitors.
I could agree that companies be required to have a disclaimer when they provide preference to a certain product set over another.
>Or someone can make another audio-controlled device that doesn't sell ads and that can be a separate company.
Sure, that's one possibility. Probably not a very realistic one but it's there.
>I don't see why you would immediately go towards having the government step in and regulate whether Amazon can make the Echo prefer their own products quite yet.
Why should we immediately go towards another company/market-oriented solution? What is it about government that requires we wait around for the market to fail? Why not just go do what we want?
We can. We do.
Most people don't care about beeing spied on, so they buy it. So they also would not support your democracy introduced market improvement.
Besides, a market can't regulate itself, if there is allways a government regulation in case something is not nice.
And I do actually believe, people would buy the adfree, non spying device, if they would have a choice
>"Luckily humans have developed a great coordination mechanism called 'democracy' and we can use it when coordination in the market place has failed."
I find that sort of thinking pretty scary. I'm incredibly hesitant to expand the purview of the government into whether products should succeed or fail. It sounds like what you're saying is that people are too stupid to make decisions for themselves, so we should enact government regulations to think for them. This is something markets are very good at, as others have stated. Expanding the government's role in things should be an absolute last resort, to me.
If people are willing to trade their personal information for cheap, cool gadgets, then who is the government to step in to say "no, you're not allowed to do that"? By the same token, you could flip it around: could the government step in and say "you don't want this gadget that's always listening to you, but you have to have it because some group you don't agree with tells you to"?
I want to be careful not to go too slippery slope, but should the government step in and shut down Google, because they exist to serve ads? What about Facebook? It's the same thing there: people trade their personal information for perceived value in other places (Facebook: keeping in touch with people, Google as access to information). Should the government be the ones to decide who should be allowed to make decisions about their information?
It's scary because once the government gets to decide what people should and shouldn't be allowed to use, or what products should or shouldn't succeed, it can be used as an incredibly powerful tool. To me, a useful way to think of government is as a very sharp knife: it can be extremely useful in the right situations, but you can really hurt yourself if you're not careful.
Government has been doing this for a long time already. To see it in action, just try to buy some thalidomide, or book a flight with an airline that only requires 20 hours of training for their pilots, or buy a new car with no air bags. The question of whether the government should decide what people should be allowed to use or what products should succeed was answered a long time ago with “yes, it should.” The only question here is what side of the line this particular product falls on.
If people are willing to trade their personal information for cheap, cool gadgets, then who is the government to step in to say "no, you're not allowed to do that"? By the same token, you could flip it around: could the government step in and say "you don't want this gadget that's always listening to you, but you have to have it because some group you don't agree with tells you to"?
Third question: should you be allowed to trade my personal information for cheap cool gadgets?
>It sounds like what you're saying is that people are too stupid to make decisions for themselves
In the prisoner's dilemma are the prisoners stupid? No, they're actually defined as rational. What makes them come to their collectively poor outcome is that they have no way to act collectively, they require coordination. Those prisoners could be smarter than you and me, they're still trapped by the rules of the system they exist in.
>If people are willing to trade their personal information for cheap, cool gadgets, then who is the government to step in to say "no, you're not allowed to do that"? By the same token, you could flip it around: could the government step in and say "you don't want this gadget that's always listening to you, but you have to have it because some group you don't agree with tells you to"?
Our own government has some problems with this but since we're being a bit high-minded here, let's ask ourselves what a democratic government ideally is. It's just a way for individuals to coordinate with each other.
Prisoner's Dilemma again. By market mechanisms, we're going to jail for two years. We may meet some strange definition of freedom but if we're both rational then we know we will never realize the option of serving lesser sentences. To me though that isn't real freedom so we can see then that a coordination mechanism isn't here to curtail freedom, it's here to grant it (it lets us both choose to remain silent.)
I believe the same things about markets/government. Why should we purposefully handicap ourselves to the individual realm stuck with Echo with ads when we can go to the collective realm to grant ourselves a better outcome.
>I want to be careful not to go too slippery slope, but should the government step in and shut down Google, because they exist to serve ads? What about Facebook?
If the people collectively decide that then yes.
>It's scary because once the government gets to decide what people should and shouldn't be allowed to use, or what products should or shouldn't succeed, it can be used as an incredibly powerful tool.
Well here let me rework this:
It's scary because once the people get to decide what people should and shouldn't be allowed to use, or what products should or shouldn't succeed, it can be used as an incredibly powerful tool.
You're right that is powerful, we should have that power.
>To me, a useful way to think of government is as a very sharp knife: it can be extremely useful in the right situations, but you can really hurt yourself if you're not careful.
Let me rework this also:
To me, a useful way to think of markets is as a very sharp knife: it can be extremely useful in the right situations, but you can really hurt yourself if you're not careful.
I'm not sure how the Prisoner's Dilemma applies here? I agree that consumers should be educated and have the ability to make informed decisions; in many ways, this is what makes a market more "fair": make sure that consumers have access to information, and let them make the best decisions they can.
> I believe the same things about markets/government. Why should we purposefully handicap ourselves to the individual realm stuck with Echo with ads when we can go to the collective realm to grant ourselves a better outcome.
This is something I think we disagree on: I don't see this as a handicap at all. I also disagree that the better outcome is to grow the government's role in something like this. To me, this is a case where the so-called "invisible hand of the market" is the way to go: ensure that consumers have access to the information they need, and let consumers make the best decisions for themselves.
> If the people collectively decide that then yes.
I think we have to be very careful about how this is used; people collectively decide silly things all the time ("Pink Slime" comes to mind, for some reason), and we have to be very careful about how we encode things into law. Once the government is responsible for something, it's hard to walk back on that. Leaving things to the market leaves things in a more fluid state, in my opinion.
> To me, a useful way to think of markets is as a very sharp knife: it can be extremely useful in the right situations, but you can really hurt yourself if you're not careful.
This may be true to some degree, but it aligns pretty well with people's changing opinions and wants/needs. If we're careful about some things (e.g. monopolies, access to information, etc -- things that allow markets to work efficiently), we can avoid having to bring out the sledgehammer when it's not needed. Some of the early 20th century government involvements led to humanitarian crises (the Communist revolutions in China and Russia); that's not to say that governments necessarily lead to the worst situations, just that sometimes markets are better at things than government involvement. This is a case where I believe this to be especially true.
>I'm not sure how the Prisoner's Dilemma applies here? I agree that consumers should be educated and have the ability to make informed decisions; in many ways, this is what makes a market more "fair": make sure that consumers have access to information, and let them make the best decisions they can.
But that's the point of the prisoner's dilemma. Individuals who are educated, can make informed decisions, have access to information about the results of their decision will always make a decision that isn't the best decision they can make. What the prisoner's dilemma reveals is that the only way to beat the game is through a coordination mechanism. Nothing else will ever help.
>This is something I think we disagree on: I don't see this as a handicap at all.
Hmm so in the prisoner's dilemma you don't see the prisoners without coordination as handicapped? To me it's obvious. Prisoners with coordination realize the best overall outcome, prisoner's without coordination are never able to realize that outcome. Seems straightforwardly handicapped to me.
>To me, this is a case where the so-called "invisible hand of the market" is the way to go: ensure that consumers have access to the information they need, and let consumers make the best decisions for themselves.
I'm providing you with examples where the invisible hand doesn't work the way we like to pretend. The hand is guided towards overall societal benefit by individually selfish actions. What I'm talking about are cases where individually selfish actions lead the invisible hand to overall societal detriment. And that in those instances we need government as a way to coordinate together so that we may reposition the invisible hand where we desire.
>Leaving things to the market leaves things in a more fluid state, in my opinion.
Fluid isn't necessarily good however. We will persist 'fluidly' with Echo with ads until we get the government to act and then we will exist 'statically' with Echo without ads. I suppose I'm fine with that static-ness.
>Some of the early 20th century government involvements led to humanitarian crises (the Communist revolutions in China and Russia);
You're being a bit funny with 'government involvement' here. Maybe there should be some corollary to Godwin's Law where the first one to compare a government program to Mao loses. Anyhow, I'm not talking about seizing the means of production, I'm talking about regulating existing markets.
>that's not to say that governments necessarily lead to the worst situations, just that sometimes markets are better at things than government involvement.
There's also plenty of instances where government involvement is better than markets. That's the case I'm making - essentially that we need government regulation as a way of reigning back the invisible hand when it goes awry aka smart homes that secretly advertise to you.
I thought Prisoner's Dilemma was more about the inability to have good information: the prisoners can't communicate with each other, and therefore have imperfect information about their decision. To me, this supports my argument: if the prisoners are free to communicate and gather information as they see fit, they can make a good decision. What it sounds like you're saying is that the government should tell the prisoners what to do. I prefer the former, because I think it keeps the responsibility still on the prisoner ("consumer" in our case).
You keep using the word "coordination", and I guess I just don't see it applying in the way I think that you mean. There are other, perhaps better, ways to coordinate than governmental intervention. You've said that boycotts don't work, but I'd say that if the market doesn't want a product, it will fail; why does a government have to enforce that? A boycott may fail because a loud minority isn't representative of the overall market; isn't that the behavior you want?
You may find the references to some communist revolutions distasteful, but I think it's an appropriate comparison in that folks see government as the solution to a problem that markets solve really well. I specifically didn't say that what you're espousing will lead to 50m deaths, but I do think it's a useful tool for showing where government can take on too big of a role with regards to things that markets are very efficient at doing themselves.
>"I suppose I'm fine with that static-ness."
Isn't Hacker News full of people that explicitly disagree with this? That static laws are a big tool for incumbent companies to build their moat, and entrepreneurs try to break those down in ways that are intended to be better for everyone. Maybe you disagree (which I respect), but in many ways, static laws look good on the surface but have real downsides in the long run.
> aka smart homes that secretly advertise to you.
I don't think that these things should be done secretly. I think companies should have to make this information available to consumers, and I think the government should enforce this to some degree (e.g. if a company is recording my phone calls to send back to their headquarters, absolutely it should be known).
> I thought Prisoner's Dilemma was more about the inability to have good information: the prisoners can't communicate with each other
That sounds like the Byzantine Generals Problem. Prisoners can communicate all they like, it just doesn't really matter what they agree at the end of the day.
>I thought Prisoner's Dilemma was more about the inability to have good information: the prisoners can't communicate with each other, and therefore have imperfect information about their decision.
Even if the prisoners are allowed to communicate, if there is no underlying coordination mechanism, some binding agreement, a punishment for breaking the agreement, etc. then the default state is still defection.
>What it sounds like you're saying is that the government should tell the prisoners what to do. I prefer the former, because I think it keeps the responsibility still on the prisoner ("consumer" in our case).
I think this is the part that most people (and maybe you) get stuck on because the basic idea is that you give up one freedom to gain another. The prisoners are stuck. Until each one tells the other "if you squeal on me, my brother will kill you on the outside." Now, where they were once trapped by the rules of the game a new rule has been added. Do the prisoners gain or lose freedom when they threaten each other? The answer is neither because they never had any to begin with. In both scenarios they are trapped into picking a specific choice by their own rationality. The difference is that pre-threat they were trapped into a suboptimal decision and now they are trapped into an optimal decision. Coordination is the only thing that mattered here and it allowed everyone to benefit.
Now if we move this analogy over to government intervention in markets, which component of the analogy is 'government'? Easy, it's the mutual threat. The government isn't some outside entity and it isn't telling the prisoners what to do, it's the agreement between the prisoners and it's the enforcement mechanism of that agreement. The government here isn't reducing freedom (or increasing it) on an individual level but on a societal level it's granting us the freedom to move to more optimal outcomes.
>You've said that boycotts don't work, but I'd say that if the market doesn't want a product, it will fail
That's just not true. The prisoners want shorter jail terms, yet they'll fail to get them. Where you and I are clashing is the difference between individuals and society.
>why does a government have to enforce that?
Because otherwise it won't happen. There has to be an enforcement mechanism to for coordination to work. Otherwise defecting will dominate.
>You may find the references to some communist revolutions distasteful, but I think it's an appropriate comparison in that folks see government as the solution to a problem that markets solve really well.
Like I said, see Mao's Law. It's absolutely distasteful and not an appropriate comparison at all.
Besides we're specifically talking about problems that markets don't solve.
>Maybe you disagree (which I respect), but in many ways, static laws look good on the surface but have real downsides in the long run.
I do, but if you look at what I said you can see that my 'static' scenario and my 'fluid' scenario are both equally static. In one we're static because we're stuck by government regulation, in the other we're static because we're stuck by market rules (we can't coordinate.)
>I don't think that these things should be done secretly. I think companies should have to make this information available to consumers, and I think the government should enforce this to some degree (e.g. if a company is recording my phone calls to send back to their headquarters, absolutely it should be known).
You know who else liked government enforcement? Hitler. This is an appropriate comparison btw.
> I mean you would agree that a bunch of people could organize a boycott of Echo with ads.
Yes I would. I don't see why you need to "organize" it though. I don't need any form of organization to not use product I don't like.
> It's because we lack a coordination mechanism, the incentive of individual boycotters is to cheat.
You lost me here. You have internet full of coordination tools if you really feel like boycott of echo should be coordinated, just set up a fb group :).
>You lost me here. You have internet full of coordination tools if you really feel like boycott of echo should be coordinated, just set up a fb group :).
Boycotts are basically ineffective, especially the social media kind.[1] Why are unions effective at coordinating? Because there's a punishment if you don't coordinate (you have to leave.) Why are elections effective at coordinating? Because everyone reveals their preference all at once anonymously and the collective decision is binding. Why do I and my coworkers coordinate? Because I have a supervisor who will fire me if I screw up.
In this way I see your point is that we should only use coordination mechanisms which are basically ineffective. As soon as we approach a coordination mechanism which is effective (government) you start to condemn it.
Customer ignoring inferior products is very effective, it literally drives companies out of business every day. It's just usually not described as "boycott". What you are reffering to are instances where some individuals believe that it would be beneficial to boycott something, but they are unable to get wider public to share their view.
Don't get me wrong - I see your point, but in order for this "ad tax" to be legitimate in my eyes it would need to be an actual issue discussed before the elections. If your elected officials declared, that their priority will be to introduce advertisement tax and they won the election with this promise then I'd accept it as a reasonable action. (but I still believe that it might be easier to just ignore all overly ad-ridden products and wait for ad-free alternative)
For TV you can pay for ad-free experience (like HBO), this option is comming to online services as well (youtube red). I feel that this process is more efficient and faster way to eventually get echo like service that won't sell it's users as a product.
My problem with government intervention isn't the "inefficiency" myth. Like most large complex entities referred to in the aggregate abstract, they do some things well and some poorly.
My concern with gov't action is the second and third order effects. Governments are implemented primarily by bureaucrats, whose primary incentive is to maintain their job. Any policy that gets implemented poorly (inefficiently), tends to continue because of the employees personal incentives.
This suggests, to me, that governments (as they are in America today) should not be experimenting. Culling the losers is super important for exploration, and probably the thing our local/state/federal gov't is worst at.
(If a company makes repeatedly poor decisions, they will tend towards insolvency/change in management.)
We all benefit from a society that is not pumped full of willpower-draining advertisement.
So, yes, we as people, as citizens, and as a society, through the collective apparatus we call "government", can and should step on advertising quite strongly to help us as people, as citizens, and as a society recover from the onslaught of the last few decades.
We can talk about advertisment in general. But in this instance OP literally wrote that his choice is limited to "echo with ads" or "no echo at all", because goverment is refusing to step in.
I was not questioning whether the advertising industry is good or not, but rather OP's notion that he is entitled to ad-free echo service.
I agree that advertisment should be more heavily controlled in instances where people don't have a choice whether to see the advertisment or not. But nobody is forcing anyone to buy a device that is known to serve you ads. If enough people will make this choice, the business incentive for the producer of the device will disappear and so will the device.
You're not wrong. The individual right to 'choose' is not strong enough to enact real change in this space. But a tax is a short sighted and there's no reason to believe that any state dislikes the current state of advertising enough to effectively ban it outright.
The passivity of most of those mediums make them different. TVs, Walls, taxis, etc. are not personally targeting you based on intimate private information about you.
The internet and smartphones are, but even those are not snooping in on your conversations (or so we believe, hence the hue and cry about Facebook listening in). Alexa is different in that it’s listening to all your conversations, including presumably extremely private ones.
During my PhD I ran simulations and experiments with robots + humans to explore the effect and possibility of it. The scariest part is, a small amount of companies might now be able to effect with just one update how a huge amount of people think/behave.
The reason why Alexa is more powerful than normal advertisement is, people create a social connection to Alexa. Which is needed for "trusted" influence like recommendations from a friend.
If we've learned anything about advertisers in the past, is they WILL get greedy, and start exploiting human brain in more and more ways. Eventually it reaches uncanny valley, and more and more people start noticing how messed up and over the top advertising has gotten and find ways around them or to avoid them, or in the end, neglect them.
Of course, this assumes people still 'own' their devices, at that..
Yes they will exploit it. But I think the real problem is, when you don't know if what you see/hear is advertisement.
Like seeing a news paper article which is actually advertisement. Or a blogger who says a phone/shoes/etc. is the best she/he every tried. While it's actually bought advertisement.
The difference is that Gizmodo is "upfront" about it.
For amazon to say, "Use _____ to remove that stain," and allow my company to put in a $0.35 per request bid to fill it in with "Jeremy's Awesome Cleaning Sauce," seems inherently more wrong.
I dunno, could be some value in the long tail there. Discoverability is the main problem with voice interfaces (aka the world's worst-documented CLI). Third-party skills are already the backbone of Alexa's value, but you have to discover and activate individual skills manually. Amazon needs to get better at general queries, which is hard.
It could be useful to allow people bid on specific kinds of general queries. "You can use our cleaning product for that" is a better answer than "Sorry, I don't know."
There's also some signalling here. It shows that someone is willing to bet money that they have what I want. This is similar to search engine ads.
Like with search engine ads, transparency & privacy are really important. I want to know when I'm receiving sponsored content. I want to know what information was used to decide to show me that content. Duck Duck Go gets this right. Podcasts that play special background music during ad breaks get this right.
Maybe Alexa needs a separate voice or tone for responses with sponsored content.
But according to the article, it doesn't. In the example of buying toothpaste, Alexa just says "I can search for a brand, like Colgate". It doesn't indicate whether Colgate paid for that placement.
Amazon Echo might be "an ad machine" but that article is a good example of business-minded misdirection: using a relatively minor problem -- persistent advertising -- to deflect attention away from a much greater problem -- persistent spying -- where businesses are the main beneficiaries of the misdirection.
The real problem with Echo is that it's an always-on microphone connected to a networked computer that runs proprietary software (see https://www.gnu.org/proprietary/ for how proprietary software is often malware). Users have no software freedom to inspect what the software on the Echo does, change the Echo's software to make the Echo do something different, or share the Echo software (whether modified or not) to help their community. Even if Echo's software comes with some form of user controls, those controls are implemented with proprietary software, software users cannot trust. No matter how technical and willing a user is to improve their Echo device to meet their needs, the permission to do so is purposefully missing. Amazon does not respect a user's software freedom. Therefore there's no good reason to trust the Echo. For all we know Echo is now or at some later time will relay whatever is within mic range to someplace else, thus presenting a constant threat to one's privacy.
Nobody needs Echo; it does nothing users weren't perfectly fine to do another way by visiting a website to place orders. But one should reconsider doing business with Amazon at all (see https://stallman.org/amazon.html for details).
I think there's a huge benefit to talking about the ad problem here. One of the reasons it is hard for linking/quoting Stallman to actually get you anywhere in discussion is that the Stallman view is one of absolute philosophy. "This is philosophically wrong" is not something the average consumer cares about, just like privacy invasion is a ghost nobody cares about until they see its effects. Things like convenience and things being free are very visible, noticeable traits, and the counter to those arguments need to also be visible.
Advertising is a very visible effect of both privacy-invasive systems and proprietary software. People care about how ads affect them because they can see it.
I've found that linking to Stallman's articles tends to promote discussion wherein those who object to his articles don't provide specifics against his arguments to back up their own objections. Those pages are loaded with specific consequences; if you haven't spent time reading them you should.
Also, the case of what the "average consumer cares about" (almost invariably an evidenceless case which serves to benefit a business) is often pitched but always shown to be wrong. As Glenn Greenwald points out very clearly in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOksJKfapVM (around 28m30s) he has challenged the notion that privacy is vague or somehow unimportant, or that anyone doesn't care. In fact, he demonstrates how people who say something like what you assert, "They don't actually mean it. At all. And the proof of it is they do all sorts of things to safeguard their own privacy; I mean we all have things to hide. There are things that everyone in this room would be willing to have their spouse or their best friend or their physician or their lawyer or their psychiatrist know but would be mortified to have anyone else know. The people who say they don't value privacy, they put and use locks on their bedroom and bathroom door, they put passwords on their email and social media accounts, they do all sorts of things there's a place they can go in the world to think and reason and explore without the judgmental eyes of other people being cast upon them. This is really critical to human freedom.".
Greenwald challenges people who pitch a line quite comparable to what you said to take him up on his offer to divulge all of one's credentials to everything they have (no exceptions, all accounts should be included) by emailing them to an account he maintains. He asks them for this info and tells them explicitly, "I just want to be able to troll through what you're doing online and publish under your name...". A perfectly reasonable request for anyone who wants to insist people don't care about privacy. The results of his request: "To this day, not a single person has taken me up on this offer.". That whole talk is worth hearing and reflecting on.
People do value their own privacy even if they hold immature evaluations of the importance of privacy or don't know enough about how computers work to think through the consequences of their tech-related choices. People need to learn about the cost of "things being free" and hold mature discussions of important issues of our day which certainly include how everyday technology affects one's privacy (and the privacy of anyone who goes to their house within range of that Echo always-on mic; it's not just about your choice for yourself in your home). People need to learn about the inherent value of privacy as well as the notion that some degree of privacy is not easily regained when lost, so one should not trade privacy away for convenience (not that I agree with you that Amazon Echo is convenient; even on its own merits it has already failed to distinguish between its owner and people on TV demonstrating the device causing lots of unwanted orders. This clear exposure of a security problem is hardly convenient). We do that work, in part, with discussions like these, not by downplaying the importance of privacy but by teaching people the very practical outcomes you inchoately chastise Stallman for presenting.
Mozilla recently released open source speech recognition model [1]. What minimal and reasonably cheap device could be used to run it? There could be or already is an open source project that could replace devices like Echo.
You'd imagine, but as someone that's tried, voice recognition is just one part of it, and is a rather hard problem in terms of computing power required. Note that the linked DeepSpeech stuff is a tensorflow based solution, and only hits a xRT of 0.44 on a GTX 1070. While that is slightly better then twice realtime, I really doubt anything less powerful then a handful of years old GPU is going to pull it off in realtime, and def. not a rPI or similar.
edit: follow up clarification, the echo is NOT doing voice processing on the device itself, it ships it up to the cloud to do so. You could of course set up something similar to that using a raspberry pi and shipping audio to your desktop to be processed.
Kinda. The issue is the microphone. It's a specialized piece of hardware that uses a microphone array and also has wake word logic built in. There are only a couple companies that sell this and they don't sell one offs. But maybe in the future.
Wake word logic is not the hard part, you can do it in software relatively cheaply (cmusphinx/pocketsphinx handles wake word type logic in realtime with relatively low cpu requirements) Microphone quality is an issue, but there's stuff out there, it's just a matter of finding a good one. One popular one is the playstation eye camera, as it's really freaking cheap and is designed for speech input at medium distances, but it's not omnidirectional like the echo/google home mini kind of thing is.
Starting with my pet peeves with home automation software... I started writing my own. Then it became the start of an assistant. Now I also run it in my car (I'm implementing navigation, and reading about CAN interfaces). The one thing, hilariously, not implemented yet, is voice recognition, but the whole system's designed to account for it. I'm hoping some of the open source projects for voice like Mozilla's will lead to something I feel comfortable implementing here.
I personally strongly recommend people look to put the "personal" back in personal assistant. Build something that does what you need it to, you'd be surprised how easy it can be, and how educational doing it is. I've learned a ton of stuff I didn't know just implementing basic features.
I started with a code sample of ten or so lines of Visual Basic .NET code that could allegedly turn on my Insteon light switch. Then I made it control my other Insteon devices. Then I started adding email notifications. Then I figured out a command line interface made it easy for me to add new commands/features quickly and that I could also then pipe things like input from an app or voice to that interface.
It kind of grew organically. I don't think when I started if I planned to build what I've put together so far, I would have ever started, because it sounds daunting, especially given my level of experience when I started.
Do one thing. Then do something else. :)
As a sidebar, if you want the general knowledge type queries, Wolfram Alpha's API is incredible for this. They have a "spoken" API which presents the result of your query as a single text-string, ready to be output to a text-to-speech client. I think adding the ability to use Wolfram Alpha was all of a couple lines of code tops to my existing project. And of course, it's free for way more queries a month than you'd ever run on a personal use project.
Previously their business model was simply to create a fast-lane into Amazon ordering (e.g. "Alexa order me some toilet paper"), but if what the article says is true they're going to ruin normal searching by only giving you product results (Q: "alexa how do I remove a wine stain?" A: "buy Dr. Bubbles Super cleaner"). If Echo is going to give me bad results for questions I'd just stop using it for that.
I'll use whatever personal assistant gives me the highest quality results. If your business model inherently degrades the quality, then your business model is self-destructive.
> I'll use whatever personal assistant gives me the highest quality results.
Ultimately this is the problem. They don't have to be good, they just have to be less shitty than their competition and the major players are making their money on ads.
>I'll use whatever personal assistant gives me the highest quality results
most likely all these assistants will give you the "sponsored" results first. The sponsored products always appear before highest rating ones whenever I do a search on Amazon, Google, etc.
"Oil stains are better cleaned by treating the stain with vinegar and, after a few minutes, using an specialized local cleaner. Would you like to by one? I will arrive in 1 hour."
"Ok alexa"
"Would you like Dr Bubbles Super Cleaner, for 5$?"
Anyway, I'm sure they can include shitty advertising without diminishing the quality of the results in a way that normal, non-privacy-aware people will care about.
I don't think their strategy of sell em cheap and get a echo into every home will actually save them here as the barrier to switching to a competitor is very low. Coupled with the fact that I get the impression that no one uses their echo for anything other than asking about the weather.
That and you can have multiple timers running. When cooking I use that. When leaving the house, I ask the weather for the day. When planning a weekend trip, I get the weather a for the weekend at where ever.
Barrier to buying a different device is low, but barrier to switching platforms is high. It seems like most people would rather deal with sub-par results than change their daily habits by even a little bit.
When rich people had manservants, it wouldn't be uncommon for them to discreetly get a cut from vendors for recommending their services. Corporate-provided electronic manservants will be no different: they will serve themselves before they serve you.
Obviously the simplest solution is credible open-source alternatives; or there is always that pesky thing, the legislative process.
Preface: I work for Mycroft, mentioned earlier in the thread. We're the open source alternative to the Amazon Alexa and Google home. This makes us customizable, privacy-minded, and neutral.
The thing with the current voice assistants is that they store every. single. piece. of voice snippets they hear. Those recordings sit on their servers. At the end of the day, these corporations have a purpose other than creating a voice technology--they have very specific ways to pay the bills. Amazon is an e-commerce platform. Google lives off AdWords. To think they won't utilize the data they're collecting.. doesn't sound like a strategic decision they'd make.
For those looking for a voice assistant that represents them--and not the corporation behind it, is Mycroft. A way to democratize voice and AI.
Nonetheless, we're in the process of making our second device and if you're interested, you can get updates on it in the link below! We'd love for you to join our community and help us create an open voice assistant. Head to https://mycroft.ai :)
With a 120 million Alexa devices in market of course big brands are trying to figure out how to reach those audiences. If you're P&G and you're selling products through Amazon of course you'd ask how your brand can better leverage the Alexa platform. That doesn't mean Amazon is going to do anything about it.
IMO Amazon can't afford to squander their voice lead by tarnishing the Alexa brand with poorly implemented ads.
I bought one of these because it was on sale and seemed like it might be fun, but since setting it up I’ve hardly ever used it. It’s voice recognition is pretty amazing but I’m just much more likely to google on my phone or desktop if I want to know something.
I've found the search on the Echo is so bad it's almost invariably a waste of time since I end up taking my phone out and doing the search there anyway. But as the world's most expensive and convenient egg timer and lightswitch, it's a very helpful device. I can just tell alexa to set timers when I'm cooking, holler at it to turn the lights off when I leave, etc.
Search is pointless on the Echo but I get a huge amount of use out of it by putting it the kitchen. It's great for creating a shopping list, music playing, timers, reminders, math, etc.
Well, the article probably isn't meant to convey opinion or information; it's goal is to drive ad views. Any opinions you read in it are incidental, and selected for maximum clicks.
When the technology (NOT any particular product) eventually reaches "general public use"[1], the test established in Kyllo v United States[2] means that the government does not need a warrant to use their own devices that use the same technology to see "details of a private home that would previously have been unknowable without physical intrusion"[1].
Corporations pushing their surveillance devices will change where privacy is expected. The market cannot fix this because Amazon et al can still damage my future 4th Amendment protections simply by selling their surveillance devices to other people.
That is a very strange and questionable interpretation of Kyllo v US. It seems like you're just out to spread FUD.
In Kyllo, the question was whether the general public used thermal imaging to look at people. Even if every household had an Alexa, that doesn't mean the general public uses Alexa to listen to people (just that Amazon does).
By your logic, the Kyllo decision should have been the opposite since the general public does emit unshielded heat signatures (slash use voice assistants) but doesn't observe those signatures (slash/process receive voice assistant requests).
Two lawyers I've talked to about agree with my interpretation. Dan Geer has also been warning[1] about the consequences of the Kyllo decision.
> that doesn't mean the general public uses Alexa to listen to people
The Kyllo decision doesn't dep[end on the use, only if the public is generally familiar with the technology. I linked to the court's opinion in my previous [1]; the complete opinion is at the end of section (b) on the first page:
>> obtaining by sense-enhancing technology any information regarding the home's interior that could not otherwise have been obtained without physical "intrusion into a constitutionally protected area," Silverman v. United States, 365 U. S. 505, 512, constitutes a search--at least where (as here) the technology in question is not in general public use.
The court did not specify how the general public was using the technology or the purpose for using it. Justice Stevens dissent specifically addresses this problem
> Despite the Court's attempt to draw a line that is "not only firm but also bright," ante, at 12, the contours of its new rule are uncertain because its protection apparently dissipates as soon as the relevant technology is "in general public use," ante, at 6-7. [...] it seems likely that the threat to privacy will grow, rather than recede, as the use of intrusive equipment becomes more readily available.
> the general public does emit unshielded heat signatures
This is irrelevant. Of course they do. However, the court observed that the general public \ was not using thermal imaging cameras to receive those emissions, and thus the had an expectation of privacy about their heat signatures. Note that this expectation co9ud change if most cellphones start including the newer "multispectral imaging" devices.
> but doesn't observe those signatures
People using an Alexa do expect that some of their speech will be recorded and transmitted to a large business over the internet.
I'm torn in the thought. At face value, I can't but agree. However, I also enable crash reporting in many applications. Have for years. Firefox gets usage stats. At some point, I have to wonder why I trust one group of people and not another. More, have the groups I trust changed out from under me?
Sometimes you just believe that one company will do better with your information than others. I think I can trust Google to keep my information safe, but I know that they're going to datamine it to hell and back to get the most ad revenue out of me. I think I can trust Mozilla with my FireFox usage habits as well. I can't say the same for most other companies.
I also have a robot vacuum cleaner, but I don't connect it to my network. Too much potential information can be gleaned from a floor plan and the obstacles around the house. You'll never get me to install one of those telemetry devices in the OBD port on my car for any company. I don't care how much money it will save me on my phone or insurance plan.
Is it all rational? Of course not. My personal policy concerning my personal data is a mish-mash of contradictions, because it's fatiguing to be on the offensive 100% of the time. For example, getting a Nest thermostat is something that I want, but I don't want it phoning home to cloud servers. It's heating/cooling data about my house. That's probably some of the most innocuous data you could have about someone, yet if it isn't self-hosted, I don't want it. Yet Maps has tons of location data on me, Gmail holds my emails, and I have plenty of conversations over Hangouts.
I'm currently trying to cut Google, Facebook and the other gargantuan major players out of my online life, and move to smaller, more specialized providers. If nothing else, it gives me a bit of peace of mind that my online assets are not all in one basket. If you're 100% Google, what are you going to do if the big G decides to suspend your account? If all your social life is though FB (or other big social network), what happens if they suspend your account?
My FB usage is now scaled down to basically just an event RSVP service with a few token page subscriptions for bands and venues. I've removed all photos and videos, cleared out all profile information, set visibility on everything to "just me" or "friends only", and I've untagged myself from everything I was ever tagged in. Yes, I know FB is probably keeping a lot (all?) of that in their archives for an indeterminate period of time, maybe the EU "right to be forgotten" can help with that.
I've replaced Google search with Startpage and I've migrated my email, calendar and contacts from GMail/GCalendar to a paid hosting/email provider, with my own personal domain name.
My phone is still running stock Android 7, but I've significantly cut down the amounts of apps installed, I much prefer to use web versions in Firefox with a decent lineup of privacy-protecting and tracking-inhibiting extensions. Some mobile web sites are really shitty about forcing their apps on you, but I'd rather just do without them. Obviously on the desktop, Firefox with the appropriate extensions is the browser of choice.
I refuse to get any "smart" devices, they're not welcome in my home. I'm working on replacing my Chromecasts, if nothing else I'll just use my laptop and an HDMI cable. For music in my kitchen/bathroom/basement, I've got a decent BT speaker instead.
Kicking the Google/FB/whatever dependency is hard.
I feel you. My present behaviour is similarly full of contradictions - I avoid new solutions that are not self-hosted and despise most SaaS services, vastly preferring off-line alternatives, and yet all my mail goes through GMail, and most IM conversations go through Facebook Messenger.
I guess part of the reason is I started using GMail, Google Maps and Facebook long before I developed my cynicism towards our market reality[0]. It's way too much effort to drop GMail now, Google Maps are way too convenient, and most of my real-life acquaintances are on Facebook.
But I strongly avoid introducing any new SaaS and other spyware software in my life now.
[0] - I should say "cynicism towards tech industry", but it's not really about technology per se - it's about regular market incentives that fuck up everything, regardless of the technology involved.
Yours seems to follow the pattern of invading "private" spaces?
i.e. you are very protective of information about the inside of your house: floor plan, temperatures. Makes sense considering it's your home).
Seems like the same thing with the car, though. It seems like you think of the inside of the car or the workings of the car as a more private space than where the car has gone?
Emails and Hangouts conversations are harder to pin down. Could be that they are more abstract and harder to maintain a concept of private vs public spaces on the internet? Could also be that there aren't really any alternatives that provide an obvious privacy benefit for their cost/effort.
If privacy is important to you, I can recommend kolabnow.com as an email/calendar provider. It is a bit more clunky than the slickness of GMail/GCalendar, but their software stack is all open source (they're behind the Kolab groupware package), and they take privacy very seriously. Their servers are hosted in Switzerland, which has some of the strongest legal protections in the world, in regards to privacy.
Less than $15/month for full-featured IMAP email and groupware for an individual. Is it super cheap? No. But you can't argue with their privacy track record.
<< You'll never get me to install one of those telemetry devices in the OBD port on my car for any company. I don't care how much money it will save me on my phone or insurance plan.
Totally agree. I don't feel like it would be 'saving' money either.
I think this is why many companies are able to so easily intrude on privacy. Some people are already of the mindset "I have nothing to hide, so why bother?". Others see the value in privacy, try to lock things down, realize their trust model is shaky at best, and give up the whole thing.
I think the thing to realize is that trust is inherently faulty. Trust requires some level of unproven belief. This is why it has to be earned and why it is so easily broken.
I think the better way to put it is that you shouldn't really "trust" any company (or anybody that has motivation to exploit you) 100%.
You can establish different qualifiers to trust, as well. For example, I (currently) trust using my Echo for small calculations and timers. If Amazon were to sell that data to 3rd parties, I would trade that bit of privacy (about my timer usage) for the convenience. The moment I see anything about Amazon doing an "always listening/recording even without the wake word", that thing is getting unplugged or thrown away. (if this is already a KNOWN thing, somebody please tell me)
I do the best I reasonably can, in regards to privacy and trust. When I identify an issue, such as a privacy hole I wasn't aware of, or a company that proves itself undeserving of trust, I update my approach. Maybe I'll have to migrate some services or buy a more privacy-focused alternative, maybe revise which information I provide in user profiles, but I think that's worth it.
Yes, I absolutely include my phone, and most of the software I use, including FireFox.
I was actually feeling quite irritated this morning because I have to sign in to use Visual Studio - in order to have my settings. I don't know what stuff they collect, but it's not nothing because they can for sure track my sign ins.
You raise a great point about who we trust. I feel okay trusting Microsoft, but there's no way in hell I'd trust Google or Amazon.
It's even worse with drivers for hardware, like with Razer devices. I still use a Microsoft Habu mouse and a Reclusa keyboard, they are the result of a cooperation between Microsoft and Razer with Razer supplying the drivers and software. At this point they are ancient but they still work very well for me.
Recently I got a Razer Orbweaver, heavily discounted, and installing the drivers for that required me to create an account with Razer and install "Razer Synapse". I went along with it thinking that it would at least give me one package to keep drivers and options for all three of my Razer devices in one place. But it doesn't, Synapse only recognizes the Orbweaver, the other two Razer peripherals still need their own dedicated driver and software packages installed.
Synapse phones home all the time when booting up it tells me how it's connecting to the "Synapse cloud". Sounds really fancy and all but what use is that if it can't even get drivers for other Razer devices from the "cloud"?
This feels like getting all the disadvantages but none of the advantages.
<< This feels like getting all the disadvantages but none of the advantages.
I couldn't have said it better. It's funny because I'm totally cool with having an account provided it does things like gives me access to software, drivers, tools, backups, whatever. But yeah, I'm not going for it if it's just an excuse to vacuum up data. It's gotten to the point where I actively avoid companies/products that just don't get the message.
To this point, I switched from Google to Microsoft a few years ago because I really got sick of feeling like my personal data was just making them richer in exchange for nothing. Email and web apps aren't worth the loss of privacy.
At first Bing search was a bit weird, but then it turned out that it worked just as well as Google for most things, and better for some.
Trust MS more than Google? MS put an ad inside windows for OneDrive. MS put a nag inside the OS to use Edge. To me MS has crossed lines you just do not cross.
MS putting advertisements of its own products inside its other products is certainly not a cool move, nobody wants to pay for ads.
But in regards to private data, the parent does have a point.
Google's main business is aggregating data for ad purposes, selling their users privacy is how they make most of their money, you wouldn't expect anything else from them.
MS does some of that too, but they make most of their money through other means, so they have less incentive of disrespecting their user's privacy. Even more so considering the PR blowback if it should ever turn out that Windows spies on its users so MS can sell that data.
> I feel okay trusting Microsoft, but there's no way in hell I'd trust Google or Amazon.
I feel curious as to why that is.
Is it because you know Microsoft is blatantly in it for the money, meaning you are the direct customer. As opposed to Google/Amazon/Facebook, where you're the product?
Part of it is because several of my family members have worked there, and, for the record, I totally agree with your characterization about them being blatantly about money. I feel like Microsoft is a bit more trustworthy because they haven't yet abused my personal information. I get the sense that things are slowly changing for the worse, and if it goes a bit further, I'll just switch to Clang and ditch Windows too.
I definitely don't trust Google, Amazon, or Facebook at all. I'm only on Facebook a few times a month, and only from my computer. Never from my phone. No way in hell I'd ever install the FB surveillance app. FB is on probation with the FTC until when? 2030? They're an evil bunch of jackasses.
IMHO, Amazon is the most sociopathic of the big four/five. They don't invade my privacy (because I don't let them), but I think they're pretty evil. I mean, Google is sort of soft evil whereas Amazon is WalMart level evil.
Back in the day when google was growing, there were similar alarms about tracking and personalized ads. People didn't care, I doubt they would care with devices like echo too.
I think the difference here is you can 100% ignore ads on Google. At this point my brain doesn't even see sponsored ads as I immediately look at the first organic result.
If you consume your content through audio then you're forced into listening to the ad / sponsored answer.
I do block them with ublock origin and have been for years.
For some unknown reason I thought adwords ads came through and I just happened to subconsciously ignore them, but having just Googled for something now, I see they are not even there.
Lots of related projects could also use your help. You don't need to be an AI genius - every FOSS project can benefit from help with debugging, cleaning up code and writing documentation. Mozilla Open Voice just want you to read a few sentences to help build their training corpus.