Great for the individual in the very short term but any longer than that, the society in which the individual exists is degraded enough to impact them too.
Brexit and Trump are two examples of a nation state actor using the... tool... for their purposes and succeeding. It's like vaccination: if you don't use it, you're still feeling the effects of others using it even if you're living far away and never knew them.
We do regulate many tools because not all members of society can be trusted to operate them properly (the young, elderly, those temporarily vulnerable due to mental issues, etc.).
It does not preclude it but it certainly does not make it easier.
I think you suffer from the delusion that the human mind is rational and logical. It can be, under certain limited conditions. But under most circumstances it is a complete mess.
> I think you suffer from the delusion that the human mind is rational and logical.
I don't suffer from it, not more or less than the countless text of law that base their logic on citizens from being trustful agent in the society, but thank you for your concern.
Social media is great for the individual but horrible for society.