It's a cool product. And props for making it happen.
I would second the parent comment though in thinking you might be able to improve the user experience if everything that seems clickable actually is. It might take a little css tweaking only.
Regardless, this seems technically quite impressive.
Thank you sopooneo, I'll see what I can do to make those look not so clickable! Though actually clicking them.. should take you to the registration page. Some browsers .. it works, some it doesn't.. I've seen that!
Shouldn't they do something though? 2 of the 5 buttons work, they take me to signup. 3 of the 5 do nothing, they do not take me to signup.
Am I misunderstanding you? Seems like a strange aesthetic choice, almost like the real buttons (ie Recording and Forwarding) are hidden next to the fake buttons haha.
I will look into fixing this! They all should be taking you to registration! There's nothing additional about what they do, as everything is spoken about on the FAQ or TidBits pages. Thank you for pointing it out!