I hate Soylent so much. If you like the idea of eating efficiently, just get some whey protein and possibly a veggie shake mix. Oh wait, that's not good enough. I need to seem hip, cool, and into the latest fad diet plan.
Soylent is an extremely convenient meal that doesn't leave me feeling groggy or worrying about being nutritionally deficient in any area. That's real value.
By contrast, replacing a full meal with whey protein takes a stance on what you should and shouldn't be eating vs general dieticians' recommendations (and the FDA's). I wouldn't recommend replacing most meals with either one, but if I had to pick the fad diet, it'd be whey.
* Soylent is an extremely convenient meal that doesn't leave me feeling groggy or worrying about being nutritionally deficient in any area. That's real value.*
Marketing 101: make people believe there's something wrong with what they are doing, then sell them the solution.
Right now what kind of whey protein, and which veggie shake mix? Do I need to buy a blender?
It's more complicated. Hate is a strong word already. I don't think anyone (okay maybe a very tiny minority in sv or something where cool is defined differently from everywhere else) drinking soylent is trying to be hip or cool.
Do you hate people trying paleo diets? How about gluten free? I doubt it.
> Right now what kind of whey protein, and which veggie shake mix?
Pretty much any of either that is on the market. Soylent isn't that remarkable, nor is there a well-understood narrow optimum (despite Soylent both pretending that there is and that it is always right at that point even with the major formula changes.)
> Do I need to buy a blender?
No, just a closed container for shaking will work tolerably well, or a blender bottle/cup (the ones with either an agitator ball or internal fixed plastic blades to help with shaking a powder) is even better.
there isn't a well understood optimum but it's easy to screw up and get a vitamin b12 deficiency for instance, or to put too much fiber or sulfur and constantly pass gas, etc.
Why do you doubt that? I've come across people with limited appreciation of what going gluten free can do for others, who rail against it all the time. If someone uses the word "hate" to describe this unglamorous product, I'm sure they're capable of the same for other increasingly popular diets.
Using a premade product lifts the burden of trial-and-error experimentation and research. That's the point. I don't like soylent either, but the reason is there's too much soy in it for me, not because I've stereotyped everyone who likes it.
Isn't whey protein a currently-fashionable fad diet plan?
It is in no way an equivalent to Soylent or other nutritionally-complete products, because it's not nutritionally complete.
Their purposes are different. Whey protein is great if you need to bump up your protein intake in a really convenient fashion. Soylent and friends are great if you need to get a balanced meal in a really convenient fashion.