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Man, what an interesting discussion, and a lot of good points here. As someone involved in education in US (research faculty at major private school in the South), and more recently, in Germany, I've become increasingly concerned with the large number of students graduating these days with bachelor and graduate degrees with little hope of employment, holding huge debt they have scant chance of paying off in any short time frame. This hobbles them severely. More and more I start to wonder if we could not accomplish more by shifting much of burden of instruction in all fields (arts, sciences, language, etc.), back to high school, rather than impoverishing students and loading them with college debt so early in life. Student Loan program seems to mostly be a way to transfer wealth from taxpayer to universities and of course the banks, but not necessarily producing a broadly educated populace. Agree with above comment that running education as a "business" with students as consumers produces a terrible result.

Agreed, having mandatory Physics and Chemistry classes seemed wasteful to me. I enjoyed them immensely, and I would have taken them as electives.

Most of my classmates didn’t get much out of them, and would have done better with personal finance classes or other practical classes instead.

For the time being, all but two or three college majors (zoology, social work, sadly enough) are still cost-effective over a lifetime, given the median undergraduate student loan amounts. This gap is closing however.

Trades shouldn’t be considered a complete panacea, pay varies widely by regions. Some trades only pay well in one or two places.

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