Only reason why I think there is much press about this is because it would make sense to me that increasing delinquency/amount of student loans will bleed into mortgage asset valuations and feed a long term bearish (inflation-adjusted) trend[0] (after all, these debts cannot be discharged[1] and negatively affect credit when not serviced, which factors into getting approved for mortgages, even after setting aside how stagnant wages have been for decades on avg), and I'm not too sure how banks would feel that if people are no longer opting to taking out 30year + mortgages that I'm sure compromise a significant part of their "assets".
[1] Well outside of some political student loan debt jubilee that will probably leave a lot of universities holding the bag, not to mention other private entities that have attached themselves to the student loan system.
[1] Well outside of some political student loan debt jubilee that will probably leave a lot of universities holding the bag, not to mention other private entities that have attached themselves to the student loan system.