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Or stick to something that works for you and keep using the same tool over and over again.

No one is forcing you to use the latest bundler / tool / programming language. Let others experiment. You’ll be happy to reap the benefits of their work when something mature comes out of it.

> No one is forcing you to use the latest bundler / tool / programming language.

Tell me that when you get turned down in a job interview because you don't know <JS framework of the year>.

Try working on your positioning so that you are not hitched to the <JS framework of the year>. You will forever be competing with the low end of the market if you cannot market yourself.

Your advice basically tells them to get out of JS development because businesses continually hitch themselves to <JS framework of the year>.

This stuff comes up in interviews. Trying to avoid answering direct questions about a framework and answering with "Well I can learn it really quickly because I'm a good vanilla JS Dev" doesn't fly all the time. If you can't answer direct questions about a framework, they will pass on you if they get someone who can answer those questions.

It has nothing to do with marketing yourself.

What you described is a hiring problem. Marketing is knowing who your buyer is and finding creative ways to get their attention.

Found the MBA/project-lead guy. The moment you start working on management, that's the moment you stopped being a "developer".

I don't think that's the only interpretation. You can also work on moving into different parts of development. This problem exists everywhere, but is currently the most extreme in front-end web-app dev. Move the back end, ops, etc..

Isn't that to your benefit though?

There are tons of companies that are going to do certain things you aren't going to be a fan of. Isn't it better to find out they're not that into mature platforms and prefer the latest trend during the interview and not on the job?

> Or stick to something that works for you and keep using the same tool over and over again.

(in JS ecosystem)

1. It's really hard to find something that works

2. It's really hard to figure out all the dependencies, and configs, and plugins, and conventions, and ..., and ... for something that works

3. Once you have it figured out, each and every moving part, including the tool itself, will get updated with deprecations and breaking changes.

I agree in a lot of environments, but web/js build tools seem to have a high frequency of fragmenting and becoming abandoned before any real long-term maturity is established.

It sure looks that way if you follow the news, but my webpack config has barely changed for two years now and I'm still getting work done.

My gulp configs have barely changed in 4 years. But we have to convince people to work together and stop jumping ship rather than ignoring the process. I don't think Node has this figured out yet unfortunately. Too much hubris.

> No one is forcing you to use the latest bundler / tool / programming language

Except everyone is using them and you get quickly outdated, specially if you are looking for a job with heavy experience on python, php and asp.net web development. The market already shifted to "3 Years worth of experience on Parcel".

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