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> Some (many?) would like to see a government funded system

Depending on how the debt situation falls out, we might already have that. :-\

You're being sardonic, but socialism-by-bailout seems like an interesting experiment.

Next, we automatically bail out everyone with medical debt -> universal healthcare!

I detected slight sarcasm, but you may be more right than you know. We'll see in 3 years, or less (please)

No sarcasm. I suspect this kind of bureaucratic sideloading might be the only way to get these changes done. One further: if the Fed starts an index fund and distributes the dividends equally to the American people, do we suddenly have UBI tied to the national GDP? If that index fund gets large enough that it owns a significant portion of the economy, do we have distributed control of the means of production?

We already had that when the banks were bailed out.

Socialise the losses, privatise the profits.

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