Your insurance carrier will not care what the other driver should have been doing, if you rear end someone you are at FAULT as you failed to keep a safe distance from the car in front of you. It doesn't matter if they slow or stop for any reason ahead of you, if you run into them it's your fault.
> "For purposes of insurance and policing, the driver of the car that rear-ends the other car is almost always considered to be at fault due to not leaving enough stopping distance or lack of attention." [1]
I'm glad we have drivers on the road that hope for the best in other drivers, but you need to sink this in your head today:
You should treat everyone on the road as an accident waiting to happen, and should practice defensive driving at all times in response.
> "For purposes of insurance and policing, the driver of the car that rear-ends the other car is almost always considered to be at fault due to not leaving enough stopping distance or lack of attention." [1]
I'm glad we have drivers on the road that hope for the best in other drivers, but you need to sink this in your head today:
You should treat everyone on the road as an accident waiting to happen, and should practice defensive driving at all times in response.