When I found a version of this paper, as an undergrad researcher circa 1995, it changed the course of my life and I spent an amazing decade working in quantum computing.
For those who are interested, the result quoted by Wheeler, which attempts to derive quantum theory via arguments using distinguishability, appears in Wootters' Ph.D. thesis in 1980. 33 years later(!), he wrote a follow up https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.2018 in which he showed that result essentially only works for the real number version of quantum theory. (Pessimist would say this means it is a dead end, optimist that we are just missing something!)
For those who are interested, the result quoted by Wheeler, which attempts to derive quantum theory via arguments using distinguishability, appears in Wootters' Ph.D. thesis in 1980. 33 years later(!), he wrote a follow up https://arxiv.org/abs/1301.2018 in which he showed that result essentially only works for the real number version of quantum theory. (Pessimist would say this means it is a dead end, optimist that we are just missing something!)