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For what its worth, the web community is currently pretty conflicted on using this approach. jQuery is often loaded from CDNs, while React (and friends) are almost always bundled into each app individually. I'd like to say there's a principled reason behind this, but I think the main reason is that the tooling (webpack, browserify) makes it simpler to embed react than use a CDN version.

Actual benchmarks are pretty mixed. If you have a cached CDN copy of react it can be a little faster. But if you get a cache miss, the extra overhead of hitting another host to load dependancies is often 10x-100x slower for unlucky users than downloading 80k(?) of additional gzipped javascript. Its especially bad with react because unless you do isomorphic rendering, your page isn't visible at all until react is downloaded.

I suspect Rust's stdlib will compress to a similar size (maybe a little bigger), and the speed saving you're hoping for won't really be worth it in practice; even if you get around the monomorphising problem.

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