I have spent a long time writing some really big applications with javascript and still find it such a strange language, every time I think I have found "the style" I hit a reason why I shouldnt be doing it that way, luckily its really fun at the same time.
I was a cofounder of an online spreadsheet company funded by seedcamp, the ui was entirely in javascript(15+kloc), and I have some chat clients + some other things that arent complete.
The game stuff is purely a hobby (for now), they are quite fun to play and to program, and I learn a lot from it.
Fun game and great proof of concept, though the aerodynamics aren't very realistic and whenever I've flown a helicopter through a cavern it's never never seemed that quite that blocky.
You need to tweak the speed - this is completely unplayable on my Macbook with 4GB of RAM and an SSD hard drive. Copter crashes in a second before I can do anything. But looks cool!
I realize that, that's what I've been doing. Maybe I'm just slow, and don't like action games.. the only games I've ever really liked are turn-based RPGs, strategy, and adventure.. so I'm probably not the target audience for this anyway.
Yeh I started it at 30fps and it was nice and smooth, but as it got harder I needed to slow it down, 19fps was the slowest that didnt look terrible, just reminded me to fix up the code so I can speed up fps while slowing down the play, it was running 30fps with no problems or lag.
I just tested it in 3.6.8 on Win 7). No crash for me. Though Firefox has a hard time rendering it (~30FPS, or about 1/2 the frame rate of Chrome, IE9 Platform Preview 4, Safari, or Opera!). Try another browser perhaps ;-)
Also, if you have a lot of add-ons/plugins it could make it even slower (some of these try to modify the page every time it changes).
If you get any error codes, I'd love to know the details! Thx
My HTMLcopter goes schwaa schwaa schwaa schwaa schwaa...
Nifty game. Gravitational acceleration constant should be tweaked so my HTMLcopter doesn't go CRASH because I wasn't ready for the game to start. Great proof of concept nevertheless.
Here's one I wrote (but was "designed" by Shinji Kobayashi, a humorous character of mine):
Personally, the game was too fast (speed wise) in Chrome. However, FireFox and Safari 5 played at a much more reasonable speed.
While, I was expecting the speed to be a bit slower in FireFox, I was curious about the difference between Chrome and Safari (a V8 vs SquirrelFish difference...??)
For @font-face in canvas, I find that if I use the font on a page element, and defer my drawing until onload() it works reliably. Not ideal, but workable.
The version I found for Android is called ThrottleCopter, if anyone else wants to destroy their productivity. It appears to be a fairly faithful port of the common flash version I've seen (blue helicopter, green cave), although with better hit detection. My best so far is 23470.
daleharvey - your javascript is a pleasure to read sir. I'm trying to learn js/canvas more and its good quality stuff like this that really helps.
Well done.