The thing about Google is that it is like a hyperactive child who can't concentrate. NOTHING ever gets FINISHED.
1) Why can't I delete ALL spam in GMail at once?
2) Why do the numbers for my Bookshelves in Google Books disappear?
3) Why bother to OCR tons of books if you have no intention of cleaning up all the errors?
Those are just three that hit me personally.
But it makes me wonder what a mess the long-delayed and ever-upcoming Google Editions will be like -- which independent bookstores all think will save them from being wiped out by eBooks.
Thanks for the help -- but that link must only exist for advanced GMail. I use the HTML version because it is wicked fast on my PC and there is nothing like that I've ever seen.
I see the downvotes. Unfortunately, I have no spam at this time so a screensnap would be useless because people would say the option shows up only when there is spam. What a time not to have spam!
I can't speak for the people that downvoted you, but I found your use of "advanced" a bit off... According to google what you call advance is standard and html only is basic. So, you're missing some features in the basic version, and use that as your primary argument for google not being able to finishing anything...
And I can't believe anyone here would be snotty enough to downvote because I used the term "advanced." From what I remember, I am using GMail as it originally was because people complained about this at the time. I can Select All for delete spam in YahooMail. Adding this to GMail would be trivial. And this HTML mode is what people have to fall back to when the "standard" GMail is not working.
Well, Google just killed Wave. When they won't finish something, they just kill it. This is not a slam at them, just frustration at their inability to finish something to polish.
1) Why can't I delete ALL spam in GMail at once? 2) Why do the numbers for my Bookshelves in Google Books disappear? 3) Why bother to OCR tons of books if you have no intention of cleaning up all the errors?
Those are just three that hit me personally.
But it makes me wonder what a mess the long-delayed and ever-upcoming Google Editions will be like -- which independent bookstores all think will save them from being wiped out by eBooks.